Key Concepts


Authorization is the act of allowing a user to access a resource. Access Control's primary function is authorization.

In Access Control, the resources are ArcGIS Server layers, fields, and features. The users and groups come from the security model that you use to secure ArcGIS Server:

See also...

Access Control User Groups


Access Control's main component is a proxy that acts as a forwarding proxy for the ArcGIS Web Adaptor. The Proxy receives all the traffic to and from ArcGIS Server, regardless of its origin. For example, a request could come from Geocortex applications like VertiGIS Studio Web, VertiGIS Studio Workflow, or Geocortex Essentials, or from ArcGIS applications like Experience Builder, Web AppBuilder, or Collector.

When the Proxy receives a request, it decides what to do with the request based on the permissions and filters you have configured for the user. The Proxy could deny the request, let it go through as is, augment the query, or filter features from the response.


A permission is a level of authorization to access a particular resource. As an Access Control administrator, your main task is to apply permissions to users and groups to ensure that users have access to just those resources they need.

Access Control has the following permissions:

See also...


Access Control User Groups

VertiGIS Studio Access Control offers three built-in groups that supplement the groups provided by ArcGIS:


In VertiGIS Studio Access Control, permissions are inherited—from both the ArcGIS Server and from the parent service/layer.

Inheriting ArcGIS Server permissions

ArcGIS Server permissions control 'all or nothing access' to the service. VertiGIS Studio Access Control honors these permissions.

For example:

Inheriting Access Control permissions

When you configure permissions in the Access Control Designer, you do not need to apply a permission to every layer and field.

By default, child elements (layers and fields) inherit permissions from the parent layer. Child permissions can override inherited permissions.

For example:

Combining permissions and filters

For a given layer or field, multiple permissions and filters may apply. For example, multiple permissions/filters may be applied to the same user based on one or more of the following:

Permission/filter inheritance is applied according to the list order specified above. For example, an explicit user name permission will override a competing group permission, and an ArcGIS Server group permission will override an Access Control user group permission. In other words, the more a permission specifically targets a user, the more weight that permission has.


When competing permissions/filters have equal weight (for example, you have both All Users: Allow and All Users: Deny permissions), the following rules apply:

See also...


Access Control User Groups

Access Control Designer

Access Control has a web-based Designer that you use to manage access to your organization's ArcGIS Servers. The Designer allows you to apply permissions to users and groups; define filters to restrict the features that users or groups can access; and search for and view the permissions for a particular user or group.

To sign in to the Designer, you must have an ArcGIS Administrator account.


A filter is a WHERE clause that filters the rows in the data table based on attribute values. Filters allow you to control which features users can access.

To define a filter, you create a filter rule that applies a logical condition to a user or group. The condition defines the attribute values to allow the user or group access. For example, the attribute filter rule shown below allows the user Art Connell to only access features with OBJECTID less than 12.