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VertiGIS Studio Analytics ensures the quality and performance of your GIS apps, by collecting and analyzing information about your GIS infrastructure.

With Studio Analytics, you can monitor the performance of the following resources:


ArcGIS servers

Enterprise Portal servers

ArcGIS Online accounts

VertiGIS Studio Web

VertiGIS Studio Mobile

Collected data is presented in panels containing charts and tables to aid in visualization and analysis. Analytics also helps you understand how users are utilizing your applications, how to optimize your infrastructure, and how to maximize resource availability.

How does Analytics work?

Analytics consists of a Hub and one or more Agents. The Hub is installed on a single server and includes the Reports application, the data API, and a database to store data collected from the Agents and telemetry endpoints. Agents are installed on servers that host the resources you want to monitor.

While an Agent can be installed on the Hub, any Agent can be used to monitor ArcGIS Online.

The data gathered can be seen in Reports shown in the Status and Trends tabs. Reports can be functionally divided into three types: Overview, Resource Overview, and Resource Detail. With the default report view expressing the highest-level Overview Report, you can click on a resource group and drill deeper into the Resource Overview Reports. From there you can click any specific resource and drill even deeper into the Resource Detail Reports. Some Resource Detail Reports allow for deeper exploration such as viewing details on specific services.

See Reports for more details.



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