Term |
Definition |
Active view |
The view that currently has keyboard focus (The active view controls the contents of the ribbon.). |
Activity |
A unit of work. Activities are chained together to form workflows. Some activities represent actions and others control the flow of execution from one activity to the next. Activities can be grouped together into more complex activities. Workflow Designer provides a library of predefined activities, classified by function. |
ArcPy.da |
Python module for data access. |
ArcPy.na |
Python module for network analysis. |
ArcPy.sa |
Python module for spatial analysis. |
ArcPy.wmx |
Python module for workflow management. |
Argument |
Arguments represent the flow of data into and out of an activity or workflow. Input arguments bring values in to be operated on. Output arguments return the results. Input/Output arguments are used to both pass values in and return the results, all in the same argument. |
Boolean |
A data type that has two possible values: true and false. |
Class |
A type of object. The class specifies the properties that objects of that type have, the methods that the objects can be used in, and more. |
Data type |
The type of value that a variable or argument can have, for example, integer, floating point, string, Boolean, or double. In Geocortex workflows, you must declare the type of each variable and argument. |
Export Map |
Similar to File > Export Map. |
Expression |
A combination of variables, operators, and values that represents a single result value. |
Gallery |
A rectangular window or menu that presents an array or grid of visual choices. |
Geoprocessing package (.gpkx) |
File type used to share analysis services. |
KeyTips |
Small tips that appear when you press the Alt key and show keyboard shortcuts for the ribbon. |
Layer file (.lyrx) |
Similar to an .lyr file. |
Layer package (.lpkx) |
File type used to package an individual layer; similar to an .lpk file. |
Map |
The project item used to display and work with geographic data in two dimensions (A map opens in a map view.). |
Map file (.mapx) |
Similar to an .mxd file. |
Map package (.mpkx) |
File type used to package a map; similar to an .mpk file. |
Messages tab |
Similar to the Prepare window. |
Method |
A programmed procedure or function that defines the behavior that will be exhibited by objects in a particular class. |
Mobile map package (.mmpk) |
File type used to share maps, basemaps, locators, and networks to mobile apps. |
Namespace |
A way to organize classes and create unique types. Importing a namespace into a workflow allows you to use the data types that the namespace contains. |
Object |
An object doesn't exist until an instance of the class has been created. When an object is created, space for that object is allocated in RAM. |
Pane |
A dockable window that contains a related set of commands. |
Portal |
Connection to an ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS organization. |
Project |
A collection of related geographic datasets, maps, layouts, tools, settings, and resources, saved in an .aprx file. |
Project package (.ppkx) |
File type used to package an entire project (new in ArcGIS Pro). |
Project template (.aptx) |
File type used to build a template for a new project (new in ArcGIS Pro). |
Property |
An attribute of an object. The set of properties that an object has is determined by the class that the object belongs to. The possible values that a property can take depends on the type. |
Quick Access Toolbar |
A collection of icons located on the title bar that provides shortcuts to commonly used commands. |
Range |
Optional dynamic filter that can be applied to a map based on numeric values. |
Ribbon |
The rectangular area across the top of the application composed of tabs that contain software functionality. |
Save As Layer File |
Similar to Save As Layer File. |
Save As Map File |
Similar to File > Save As. |
The ratio of map to print (in centimeters). A scale of 1 means 1 cm in the map equals 1 cm on the print. A scale of 100,000 means that 100,000 cm (1 kilometer) on the map equals 1 cm on the print. As a point of reference, the Earth is approximately four billion centimeters (4,000,000,000 cm) in circumference and the width of an 8.5 x 11 inch page is 21.6 cm. |
Scene |
The project item used to display and work with geographic data in three dimensions. |
Scene layer package (.slpk) |
File type used to package multipatch, point and point cloud features. |
ScreenTips |
Pop-up info tips that appear when you hover over the ribbon. |
Share content |
Umbrella term referring to packaging, publishing, and sharing new ArcGIS Pro items. |
Share or publish a web layer |
Publish a service. |
Share Web Layer pane |
Publishing wizard and Service Editor. |
String |
A data type for text. In Form Designer, strings are not enclosed in double quotes. In all other parts of Workflow Designer, strings must be enclosed in double quotes. |
Tab on the ribbon |
A region on the ribbon that groups related software commands. |
Task |
A set of preconfigured steps to guide users through a workflow or business process. |
Tile package (.tpk) |
File type used to package web map or elevation tiles. |
Type |
See data type. |
Variable |
A storage area in memory for holding values that are needed later in the activity or workflow. The value of a variable can change during execution. Each variable has a data type that determines what type of value it can hold, for example, integer, string, or Boolean. |
Vector tile package (.vtpk) |
File type used to package vector tiles and styles. |
View |
The window representing the primary work area of the application. |
Web feature layer |
Feature service |
Web layer |
Service |
Web tile layer |
Tile service/Cached map service |
Web Tool |
An analysis tool that runs through the web or on a server. |