The first vector.
The second vector.
Returns an envelope representing the result of clipping a given envelope against another given envelope.
The envelope to clip.
The envelope to clip against.
Computes the Cartesian distance between two points.
The first point.
The second point.
Calculates the 2D cross product of two vectors.
The first vector.
The second vector.
The origin by which these vectors relate.
Calculates the 2D cross product of two vectors.
The first vector.
The second vector.
The origin by which these vectors relate.
Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
The first vector.
The second vector.
Creates a polygon representing the given extent.
The envelope to turn into a polygon.
Compares two envelopes for spatial equality.
Builds a bounding extent, given an array of geometries.
The collection of geometries for which to build the bounding extent.
Checks whether or not a polygon is convex.
Checks if a polygon is self intersecting
Checks a given geometry for validity.
The geometry to check.
Calculates the length of a vector.
The vector to calculate length for.
Returns a normalized vector.
The vector to normalize.
Checks whether or not a point lies in an Envelope.
The point to check.
The envelope to check.
Calculates the approximate midpoint of a collection of points.
The array of points.
Returns an extent that represents the provided envelope scaled by the given amounts on each axis.
The envelope to scale.
The amount to scale on the X axis.
The amount to scale on the Y axis.
Returns an extent that represents the provided envelope, whose width and height have been scaled by the given amount, and whose center has position is unchanged.
The envelope to scale.
The amount to scale by.
Compares two spatial references for equality.
The first SpatialReference.
The second SpatialReference.
Whether or not a null spatial reference passed in should equate to equal to the other.
Returns an extent that represents the provided envelope scaled by the given amounts on each axis.
The envelope to translate.
The amount to translate on the X axis.
The amount to translate on the Y axis.
Calculates the angle (in Radians) between two vectors.