Geometry Services

Geometry services perform geometric calculations, such as buffering, projection, and measurement. Essentials supports the configuration of a single ArcGIS geometry service. other types of geometry service are not supported. The geometry service can be unsecured or secured.

You can only configure one geometry service per site. If you had multiple geometry services configured before Essentials version 3.15, they continue to work until you edit the geometry service in Manager. Editing the geometry service replaces all the old geometry services with the new service, and you lose all the old geometry services.

As of version 2.5 of the HTML5 Viewer, the geometry service configured in the site overrides the one configured in the viewer, and configuring the geometry service in the viewer has been deprecated.

Configure an ArcGIS Geometry Service

To add an ArcGIS geometry service:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click GIS Services from the side panel.

  2. Click the Geometry tab.

  3. In the Service URL box, enter the geometry service's URL.

    We recommend that you use your own geometry service instead of relying on the default Esri sample geometry service, which may become unavailable without warning.

  4. Authentication Settings: If the geometry service is secured, select the authentication method for Essentials to use when connecting to the service.

    • Web Tier (default or anonymous credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want Essentials to authenticate as the application pool user.


      • The service is not secured.

    • Web Tier (configured credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using basic or digest authentication.


      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want to configure the credentials for Essentials to use when authenticating.

      In the Username and Password text fields, enter the credentials that you want Essentials to use.

    • Token Security (by user): Select this option if the service is secured using token security.

      In the Username and Password boxes, type the credentials that you want Essentials to use when authenticating. If you have changed the location where tokens are issued, type the URL of the location in the Token URL box.

      By default, Essentials assumes the token duration of all your ArcGIS services is 60 minutes, which is the ArcGIS default. However, if the token duration of any of your ArcGIS services is shorter, you must specify the token duration in Essentials. To specify the token duration:

      1. Open the Essentials web.config file.

        The Essentials web.config file is located in {GE_HOME}\REST\Web.config.

      2. In the appSettings element, add a new add element.

      3. Add a key attribute to appSettings and set it to ArcGisRestMapServiceBase.MaximumTokenDuration.

      4. Add a value attribute to appSettings and set it to the maximum token duration in minutes.

      For example, to set the maximum token duration to 20 minutes: 

        <add key="ArcGisRestMapServiceBase.MaximumTokenDuration" value="20" />.
    • Token Security (explicit tokens): In the Server Token box, type or paste the long-lived server token that Essentials will use to authenticate. You can also optionally configure a long-lived client token.

      Select this option if the service is secured using token security and you want to use long-lived tokens. This method stores the token(s) in the site.

  5. Click Apply Changes.

    Manager validates the configuration by connecting to the geometry service.

Remove the Geometry Service

To remove the site's geometry service:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click GIS Services from the side panel.

  2. Click the Geometry tab.

  3. Delete the Service URL.

    The Service URL box is now blank.

  4. Click Apply Changes.