
The VertiGIS Inline application includes the following:


You do not need to install anything to use Inline or the Inline Designer. Both run in the browser and are hosted in the VertiGIS Studio cloud environment at

How Inline Works

When a user opens Inline in a web map application:

  1. The Inline static view content (JavaScript library and interface) is delivered from the Internet to the user’s local machine.

  2. The web map application opens in the user's web browser, using the locally stored view definition file.

  3. From this point forward:

    • All components run on the local machine, on the user's company network.

    • Enterprise data is not sent outside of the company network.

Web Map and View Definition Files

The web map and VertiGIS Inline view definition files are saved in your Esri ArcGIS Enterprise portal, or within your ArcGIS Online organization.

The on-premises ArcGIS Enterprise portal does not require Internet access.

Web Map Applications

VertiGIS Inline views run in the VertiGIS Studio Web. Web can host any view, provided it supports the actions and functions configured in the view. For details, see Supported Browsers and Applications.


You can install Web on-premises or in the VertiGIS Studio cloud environment at The option you choose depends on the application you want to use with Inline. Both options ensure the following:

The on-premises version of Web does not require Internet access.

Configuration Options

The following architecture diagrams illustrate configuration options:

Inline components hosted within ArcGIS Online and the VertiGIS Studio cloud environment


Web map and view definition files hosted on premises, in ArcGIS Enterprise portal