Filter Chart Data
The Add/Edit Data Filter function allows you to filter visible chart data.
Your administrator must enable the data filtering option for a specific chart.
To filter chart data:
Right-click on the chart, select the chart name, and click Add/Edit Data Filter.
The Filter Options window opens.
In the first row, create the comparison expression (the if statement):
In the first drop-down list, select the field whose value will determine the filtering results.
In the second drop-down list, select the appropriate comparison operator.
In the text box, enter the value to be compared with the field value.
OPTIONAL: To add another comparison expression, click the "+" button. A new row appears.
In the first drop-down list, choose the logical operand.
Create the new expression as outlined above.
Repeat this step as often as required to achieve the desired level of logical comparison.
Select the data visibility from the drop-down list.
Click Apply.
The chart data filters to your specified conditions.
If you click Clear to remove all filters on the chart, you must then click Apply for the change to take effect.