
Licensing Requirements

VertiGIS Studio Item Manager is free software. A license is not required to use it.

Supported Browsers

Item Manager runs in a desktop environment. The following browsers are supported:

Item Manager requires a 64-bit browser.

ArcGIS Requirements

Item Manager works with both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.

ArcGIS Identity

To sign in to Item Manager, you require an ArcGIS identity—either in ArcGIS Online or your organization's ArcGIS Enterprise. You can use any ArcGIS Identity type to access Item Manager; however, most item management functions involve editing items which is only available to ArcGIS Creator user types and higher.

ArcGIS Enterprise

Item Manager works with ArcGIS Enterprise version 10.7 or later.

Cookie Requirements

Item Manager does not use cookies.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Requirements

By default, ArcGIS portals (including ArcGIS Online) allow cross-domain requests using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

If your portal has the default Organization | Settings | Security | Allow Origins settings, you do not need to do anything.

However, if you have modified the Organization | Settings | Security | Allow Origins settings from the defaults, you must update those settings and add the Item Manager as an allowed origin.

For details, see Restrict cross-domain requests to your portal.