How can I run Mobile apps?
Option 1: Create an app in Mobile Designer, use VertiGIS Studio Go on Field Devices
Administrator uses Mobile Designer to create one or more apps.
Field workers download and install VertiGIS Studio Go on their devices.
When a field worker logs in, they will see a list of all the apps they have access to and pick the one they need.
Option 2: Build Custom Branded apps in Mobile Designer
Administrator uses Mobile Designer to create one or more apps.
Administrator uses the Mobile Designer Build Service to create an app installation file.
Organization distributes the installer.
Field workers download and install apps on their devices.
Field workers see an app with a custom name and icon on their device.
For 5.0, it is not possible to set a custom app icon for iOS. It is possible for Android and Windows. - Field workers will NOT see the VertiGIS Studio Go selector screen but will open their custom app directly on their device.