Share Print Templates

Sharing print templates allows other people to access the templates. There are different levels of sharing:

A quick way to share a print template with another print author in your organization is to provide the other author with the URL to Print Designer appended with a parameter that points to the print template. This opens Designer and the print template. For example:

See also...

Share a Print Template with an Author Outside your Organization

Allow End Users to Run Prints

This topic assumes that you have already created the groups you want.

To allow an end user to run a print, you must share the print template with the user.

Sharing a print template and its host application with Everyone (public) or Organization provides sufficient privileges to run the print. If you want to create an ArcGIS group for users who are allowed to run prints, creating the group using a Publisher or User account provides sufficient privileges. If you create the group using an Administrator account, make sure you set What items in the group can its members update? to Only their own items.

For more information on creating groups, refer to the Esri documentation for the version of ArcGIS you use: Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online. For instructions on sharing ArcGIS items, see Share an ArcGIS Item.

The way that you allow users to run a print depends on the type of host application:

Share Print Templates Hosted by a VertiGIS Studio Application

To share a template that is hosted by a VertiGIS Studio application, Share an ArcGIS Item.

To allow users to run a print hosted by a VertiGIS Studio application:

Follow these guidelines for sharing a template hosted by a VertiGIS Studio application:

Share Print Templates Hosted by a Web AppBuilder in Portal for ArcGIS App

To allow users to run a print that is hosted by a Web AppBuilder in Portal for ArcGIS app, you must share the host app and the print template with the users. In one scenario, you must also share the widget that runs the print.

You share print templates and widgets the same way that you share apps—by sharing their ArcGIS items. The item is created by VertiGIS Studio Printing the first time you save the print template. The widget item is created when you register the widget.

To allow users to run a print template hosted by a Web AppBuilder in Portal for ArcGIS app:

The steps that you take to allow users to run a print depend on whether the host app is secured. Follow the instructions that apply to you:

Share Print Templates Hosted by a Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition) App

When you use a Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition) app to host a print template, the host app is deployed to your website. You use the website's security to manage access to the app.

In this scenario, the widget is installed in Web AppBuilder. There is no widget item in ArcGIS. Any user who has access to the app also has access to the widget.

To allow users to run a print hosted by a Web AppBuilder (Developer Edition) app:

The steps that you take to allow users to run a print depend on whether the host app is secured. Follow the instructions that apply to you:

Share an ArcGIS Item

To share an ArcGIS item

Follow the steps outlined on the Share items help page to share an ArcGIS item.

Allow Authors to Modify Print Templates

Within an organization, there is usually more than one person who can maintain the organization's collateral, like print templates. To share print templates with other print authors in your organization:

As print authors create new print templates, they share the templates with the group so the other print authors in the organization have access.

Update capabilities are required to allow print authors to open each other's print templates in Print Designer. The authors can modify the print template or create a copy by saving it under a new name.

In ArcGIS, groups with Update capabilities are closed to users outside the organization in which the group was created. This means that print authors must be members of your organization.

To share a print template with someone outside your organization, export the print template following the instructions in Share a Print Template with an Author Outside your Organization. This provides the outside author with a copy of the print template.

Administrators of your ArcGIS organization are allowed to modify everything.

Share a print template with a print authors group

Step 1: Create a print authors group

To create a print authors group, follow the steps outlined on the Create Groups help page.

Keep in mind the following items when creating a group:

Step 2: Share the Sign-In Application with the authors group

Follow the steps outlined in the Share items with a group page to share the Sign-In App with your authors group

Step 3: Share the print template with the print authors group

The authors group you created to share the Sign-In App with may be enough infrastructure for your organization, to allow group members to share print templates. Alternatively, you may need to create additional groups to further delimit which members are able to share their print templates with. For example. you may need to create Engineering, GIS, and Operations groups whose members can only share print templates with members of their own group rather than all print templates authors. The members of any additional groups must also be members of the group that the Sign-In App is shared with.

Follow the steps outlined in the Share items with a group page to share a print template with a group.

Open a Shared Print Template

Just as you can share your print templates with other print authors, other print authors can share their print templates with you. Print Designer's File menu has a Shared With Me option that lists the print templates authored by someone in your organization that are shared with the organization or a group that you belong to.

To open a shared print template:

  1. In Print Designer, click File in the sidebar.

  2. Click Shared with me.

  3. Double-click the print template or select the print template and click Open.

    If you know the print template's title or part of the title, you can search for the print template.