Detail Report Band


The Detail Report band is used to create a nested detail report. The Detail Report band contains data from a second query on the report's data source that has a defined relationship in the Master-Detail Relation Editor.

When you use a master-detail relationship with related data that is accessed using a Detail Report band, VertiGIS Studio Reporting queries every feature in the related table. When the detail table is large, the query may perform slowly or stop. For this reason, it is recommended to use a sub-report control.

Properties Common to Most Bands

For more information about the properties listed below, see Properties Common to Most Bands.

For more information regarding each of the property groups, see the Band Reference.


Data Source

Sets where the data for the Detail Report band is located. If the Data Source is not specified, the data source from the master report is used.

Data Member

Specifies the table to use from the data source as well as the fields to include.

Filter String

Specifies the criteria to filter data in a report.


Hierarchy Print Options

This group of properties is used to specify hierarchy print settings so that data printed in the Detail band is displayed in a tree mode.

Fill Empty Space

Sets whether to populate the empty space between the Detail band and the next band or end of the page. When this property is enabled, the empty region below the detail band is populated with copies of the band. The band retains its layout, but controls are printed without data.

If you wish to display static text in controls populated by data fields, set the Text property in the Properties panel to the value you wish to be repeated in the empty bands.

Keep Together with Detail Reports

Specifies whether the current Detail Report band will always be printed on the same page as a child Detail Report band. This is only applicable if there is more than one Detail Report band added to the print template.


Specifies the order of several Detail Report bands in a print template.


Data Source

Sets the where the data for the Detail Report band is located. If the Data Source is not specified, the data source from the master report is used.

Data Member

Specifies the table to use from the data source as well as the fields to include.

Filter String

Specifies the criteria to filter data in a report.


Report Print Options

This group of options define how the band is printed at runtime. Properties include:

  • Print when Data Source is Empty: Specifies whether the band should be printed if the data source is empty. This property is enabled by default.
  • Detail Count at Design Time: Specifies how many times the band is printed when a print template is being previewed.
  • Detail Count when Data Source is Empty: Specifies how many times the band should be printed when no data source is defined.
  • Blank Detail Count: Specifies how many times an empty band is repeated before printing a band with populated data.
  • Detail Count: Specifies the maximum number of times the band is repeated and is not empty.


See Also...

Tech Tip: How to create sections and groups in your reports