Print Template Properties


The print template level configuration sets the parent configuration for all items in the print template. All print template items inherit their configuration from what is set at the print template level. For more information see Configure Controls.

The print template can be selected either by selecting the print template item from the Print Template Items List, or by clicking outside the layout in the design area.

The Properties panel is organized as follows:

At the bottom of this page you will also find the Related Tutorials section. This section documents those tutorials related to the use of any of the properties at the print template level.


Measure Units

Sets the unit of measurement that is used in the following locations:

  • Rulers that surround your print template.
  • Units that define the size of a print template item, such as margins, bands, and controls.
  • Units that define the location of a print template item in the layout.


Sets the language that is currently being configured for localization.



Background Color

Type: Color

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the print item's background color.

Border Color

Type: Color

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the print item's border color.

Border Dash Style

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the dash style for the print item's border.

Border Width

Type: Single

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the width of the border(s) in pixels, using a floating point value.


Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Applies a set of borders (top, right, bottom, left) to a control.


Type: Font

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Sets the print item's font. Properties in this group include:

  • Font Name: The font type applied to the text.
  • Size: Size of the font measured in the units specified in the Unit property.
  • Unit: The unit of measure for the font.
  • Font Effects: Applies Bold, Italic, Strikeout, and/or Underline styling.

Foreground Color

Type: Color

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the print item's foreground color.


Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Defines the location of a print item's contents within the control by specifying the number of pixels by which the contents are spaced from each border.

Page Color

Sets the fill color of print template pages.

Text Alignment

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the alignment of the print item's text.


This group of settings configures a watermark. Properties in this group include:

  • Font: This group of properties sets the font configuration for the watermark text.

  • Foreground Color: Specifies the color of the watermark text.

  • Text Transparency: Specifies the transparency of the watermark text as a percentage.

  • Text: Sets the text that appears in the watermark.

  • Text Direction: Sets the orientation of the text on the page.

  • Image Source: Sets an image as the watermark.

    The following formats are supported: bmp, jpg, gif, tif, png, ico, dib, rle, emf/wmf, svg.

    The following svg content is not supported: Text that uses textPath, animations, css styles, raster images embedded into svg.

    Transparency is not supported for svg watermarks.

  • Image Transparency: Specifies the transparency of the watermark as a percentage.

  • Image Tiling: Indicates whether the watermark image should be tiled.

  • Image Alignment: Sets the orientation of the image on the page.

  • Image View Mode: Specifies how the image is positioned within the control. Options include:

    • Clip: The image is placed in the upper-left corner of the control. the image is clopped if it's larger than the control which contains it.
    • Stretch: The image is stretched or shrunk, as needed, to fit the size of the control.
    • Zoom: The image is sized proportionately to fit the control, without any clipping.
  • Page Range: Defines the pages that contain a watermark.

  • Show Behind: Indicates whether the watermark should be printed behind or in front of the contents of a page.


Measure Units

Sets the unit of measurement that is used in the following locations:

  • Rulers that surround your print template.
  • Units that define the size of a print template item, such as margins, bands, and controls.
  • Units that define the location of a print template item in the layout.

Request Parameters

Specifies whether the print template should print after it has received all parameters. Enabled by default.

If you wish to publish a print template the does not use any parameters from the application running the print template, disable this setting.

Vertical Content Splitting

Specifies howprint items are split if they are partially positioned into the right page margin. Options include:

  • Exact: When part of a control is in the right page margin, the content that is in the right margin is published on a second page.
  • Smart: When part of a control is in the right page margin, the entire content of the control is published on a second page.


Type: Boolean

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Sets whether the control is visible at run-time.

Script Language

This property is only available with an on-premises installation.

Defines the scripting language used to write any scripts in the print template.

Horizontal Content Splitting

Specifies howprint items are split if they are partially positioned into the bottom page margin. Options include:

  • Exact: When part of a control is in the bottom page margin, the content that is in the right margin is published on a second page.
  • Smart: When part of a control is in the bottom page margin, the entire content of the control is published on a second page.

Script References

This property is only available with an on-premises installation.

Specifies the collection of files names of the assemblies used by the scripts in a report.


This property is only available with an on-premises installation.

This group of properties defines the scripts used to run various events at the reporting level. These properties include:

  • After Print: Sets the name of the script used to handle the AfterPrint event.
  • Before Print: Sets the name of the script used to handle the BeforePrint event.
  • Band's Height Changed: Sets the name of the script used to handle the BandHeightChanged event.
  • Data Source: Sets the name of the script used to handle the DataSourceRowChanged event.
  • Data Source Demanded: Sets the name of the script used to handle the DataSourceDemanded event.
  • Fill Empty Space: Sets the name of the script used to handle the FillEmptySpace event.
  • Print Progress: Sets the name of the script used to handle the PrintProgress event.
  • Parameters Request Before Show: Sets the name of the script used to handle the XtraReport.ParametersRequestBeforeShow event.
  • Parameters Changed: Sets the name of the script used to handle the XtraReport.ParametersRequestValueChanged event.
  • Parameters Submitted: Sets the name of the script used to handle the XtraReport.ParametersRequestSubmit event.



Type: Object

Can be configured in the Expressions panel.

Stores data that is closely associated with the control.

Calculated Fields

Defines the fields used to pre-process print template input data based on an expression.

Once you have created a calculated field, it will also appear in the Fields List.


Pass inputs to a print template when the print template runs.



Name assigned to the report.

Snap Grid Size

Specifies the dimensions of the designer's grid size. Measured in units specified at the report level.

Draw the Watermark

Type: Boolean

Sets whether the watermark is applied to the print template.


Sets the language that is currently being configured for localization.



Type: String

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the text to appear in a bookmark.

Bookmark Duplicate Suppress

Type: Boolean

Specifies whether to suppress duplicated bookmarks in the final document.

Page Settings


Type: Boolean

When enabled, sets the page orientation to landscape.

Roll Paper

Type: Boolean

When enabled, specifies that the print template will be printed on roll paper.

Page Width

Specifies the width of the page. The width is determined by the Paper Kind. Measured in units set at the print template level.

Page Height

Specifies the height of the page. The height is determined by the Paper Kind. Measured in units set at the print template level.

Paper Kind

Sets the type of paper size used for the print template layout. The type determines the height and width of the page.


This group of properties specifies the width of the page margins using the measurement unit set at the print template level.


Right to Left

Specifies the layout of the content within a print template.

The options include:

  • Inherit: The item inherits the printing configuration set at the parent level.
  • Yes: The content is aligned to the right.
  • No: The content is aligned to the left. This is the default.

Right to Left Layout

Specifies the position of controls within report bands. This property is in effect only when the Right to Left property is set to Yes.

When enabled, the page margins will be switched, and it will not be possible to place controls outside the right page margin. The controls' coordinates will be unchanged. However, the X coordinates will be calculated starting in the top right corner of the layout. The horizontal ruler direction will reflect this change.

Report Print Options

This group of options define how the Detail band is printed at runtime. Properties include:

  • Print when Data Source is Empty: Specifies whether the band should be printed if the data source is empty. This property is enabled by default.
  • Detail Count at Design Time: Specifies how many times the band is printed when a print template is being previewed.
  • Detail Count when Data Source is Empty: Specifies how many times the band should be printed when no data source is defined.
  • Blank Detail Count: Specifies how many times an empty band is repeated before printing a band with populated data.
  • Detail Count: Specifies the maximum number of times the band is repeated and is not empty.

Related Tutorials

Refer to the following resources for additional help: