Access Report Logs

Whenever a report is generated, VertiGIS Studio Reporting provides a log of the steps it performed to create the report, as well as any errors or warnings that occurred.

Logs are a useful debugging tool during development of a report. If previewing the report fails, the log may help you to determine the cause of the failure so you can correct it. For example, the log might indicate that there is an error in the report's configuration or that accessing the data source or a supporting asset failed. In some cases, the level of detail in the log is sufficient to further pinpoint the cause of failure, for example, failure to access a resource could be due to authentication failure, insufficient permissions, or network connectivity problems.

To work around short service outages, VertiGIS Studio Reporting attempts to generate a report three times before failing. As a result, the log may show the same error three times.

Reporting logs are available for the lifetime of the ticket. The default lifetime is 30 minutes. After the ticket expires, the logs are no longer available.

Access the Log for a Failed Preview

If previewing a report fails, you can use the log to help determine the cause of the failure.

Failed report preview in Report Designer

To open your browser's console, press F12 and navigate to the Console area.

Chrome console after a report preview failed, showing the link to open the log

The URL for the log is provided as a log message in the console. To open the log, click the link or copy and paste the URL in your browser.

Example of a log showing an ArcGIS Server error—the data source could not be accessed

On-premises Diagnostic Logs

On-premises installations of VertiGIS Studio Reporting support application-level diagnostic trace logging using .NET Trace Listeners.

To write diagnostic logs to the Windows Event Viewer:

  1. As an administrator, edit the following web.config file:

    [installation_location]\VertiGIS Studio Reporting\Deployment\web.config

    If you installed VertiGIS Studio Reporting in the default location, the web.config file is here:

    C:\Program Files\VertiGIS\VertiGIS Studio Reporting\Deployment\web.config

  2. Add or modify the <system.diagnostics> element to include:

            <add name="event-log" type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener" initializeData="VertiGIS Studio Reporting">
                <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Warning" />
        <trace autoflush="false" indentsize="4">
                <add name="event-log" />
  3. Save the file.

Diagnostic logs can affect the performance of the application.