The table below lists all standard commands as a reference. You can modify any of these commands to be a custom command or convert it to a workflow.
Standard Commands and their context
Command |
Context |
Description |
JSON code |
Activate Snapping |
None |
Activates snapping guides for all supported layers. |
["sketching.activate-snapping"] |
Add Feature |
Layer, None |
Interactively add a new feature to this layer. |
[ { "name": "edit.display-add-feature", "arguments": { "orientation": "vertical", "showTitles": true, "formUITarget": { "parent": "", "attributes": { "slot": "panel" } }, "templateUITarget": { "parent": "", "attributes": { "slot": "panel" } }, "layers": "item://layer-extension/8529543b-afe8-41ac-80a8-ffecd684c7b8" } } ] |
Add Focus |
Spatial, Feature |
Focus this result on the map. |
[ "highlights.add-focus"] |
Add Highlight |
Spatial, Feature |
Highlight this result on the map. |
[ "highlights.add"] |
Add layers from an Esri portal |
None |
Add layers from an ArcGIS Enterprise Portal or ArcGIS Online. |
[ "portal.choose-layers", "map.add-layers" ] |
Add Location Note |
None |
Adds a configurable note to the map at the selected location. |
[ { "name": "map.get-user-coordinates-input", "arguments": { "completeLabel": "language-common-next", "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }, "tasks.identify", { "name": "map.create-note", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }] |
Add to Starred Results |
Spatial, Feature |
Adds result(s) to starred results list. |
[ { "name": "results.add", "arguments": { "resultsSetId": "vgs-starred" } }] |
Alert |
None |
Show an alert to your users. |
[ { "name": "ui.alert", "arguments": { "title": "Alert", "message": "", "buttonText": "Ok", "isDraggable": true, "initialPosition": "center" } }] |
Apply Filter Effect |
Layer, None, Spatial, Feature |
Applies a filter effect to a layer and changes its appearance on the map. |
[ { "name": "map.apply-filter-effect", "arguments": { "layers": "Victoria_Buildings_4805", "where": "", "includedEffect": { "brightness": "130%", "contrast": "200%", "grayscale": "0%", "hueRotate": "270deg", "invert": "0%", "opacity": "100%", "sepia": "0%" }, "excludedEffect": { "brightness": "90%", "contrast": "50%", "grayscale": "50%", "hueRotate": "0deg", "invert": "0%", "opacity": "100%", "sepia": "0%" } } }] |
Buffer Identify |
None |
Initiates a draw on the map: the captured geometry is buffered and used to perform an identify. |
[ { "name": "map.clear-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-buffer" } }, { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "point" } }, "geometry.buffer", "drawing.create-graphics", { "name": "map.add-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-buffer" } }, "tasks.identify", "results.display", "map.zoom-to-features"] |
Buffer Results |
Spatial, Feature |
Buffers a set of results and performs an identify with the buffered area. |
[ { "name": "map.clear-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-buffer" } }, "geometry.buffer", "drawing.create-graphics", { "name": "map.add-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-buffer" } }, "tasks.identify", "results.display", "map.zoom-to-features"] |
Clear Drawings |
None |
Clear all drawings on all maps. |
["map.clear-markup"] |
Clear Filter Effects |
None |
Clear all filter effects from all maps. |
["map.clear-filter-effects"] |
Clear Highlights |
None |
Clear all highlights on all maps. |
["highlights.clear"] |
Clear Location Markers |
None |
Clear all location marker graphics from all maps. |
[ { "name": "location-marker.clear", "arguments": { "maps": null } }] |
Clear Results |
None |
Clear all results in the app. |
["results.clear", { "name": "ui.deactivate", "arguments": "item://results/results-config-1" }] |
Clear Starred Results |
None |
Removes all starred results, leaving you with an empty list. |
[ { "name": "results.clear", "arguments": { "resultsSetId": "vgs-starred" } }] |
Configure Layer |
Layer |
Configure some common settings for this layer. |
[ "layers.edit-settings", "layers.set-title", "layers.set-task-settings", "layers.set-popup-template" ] |
Custom Command |
Layer, None, Spatial, Feature |
Define a custom command chain from available viewer commands and operations. |
[ { "name": "ui.confirm", "arguments": { "message": "Hello, World!" } }] |
Deactivate Snapping |
None |
Deactivates all snapping guides for layers where snapping is not required. |
["sketching.deactivate-snapping"] |
Delete Features |
None |
Select features on the map and delete them permanently. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": [ "point", "extent" ] } }, "tasks.identify", { "name": "edit.delete-features", "arguments": { "showNotifications": true } }] |
Draw |
None |
Initiates a draw on the map. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "polygon", "pluginSettings": { "snapping": true } } }, "drawing.create-graphics", "map.add-markup"] |
Draw Buffered Custom Search Area |
None |
Create a new buffered geometry to use as the search area in the query. |
[ { "name": "map.clear-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-query" } }, { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "polyline", "symbol": { "type": "esriSLS", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 1.5, "style": "esriSLSSolid" }, "pluginSettings": { "snapping": true } } }, "geometry.buffer", "query-builder.set-query"] |
Draw Custom Search Area |
None |
Create a new geometry to use as the search area in the query. |
[ { "name": "map.clear-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-query" } }, { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "polygon", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 84 ], "style": "esriSFSBackwardDiagonal", "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 255 ], "width": 1.5, "style": "esriSLSSolid" } }, "pluginSettings": { "snapping": true } } }, "query-builder.set-query"] |
Drawing Style |
None |
Style the default Symbol for Drawing. |
[ { "name": "drawing.get-default-symbol", "arguments": { "geometryType": "polygon" } }, { "name": "drawing.edit-symbol", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }, "drawing.set-default-symbol"] |
Edit Custom Search Area |
None |
Select and edit search area geometry for the query. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": [ "point", "extent" ] } }, { "name": "map.get-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-query" } }, { "name": "sketching.edit-geometry", "arguments": { "options": { "enableDelete": true } } }, "query-builder.set-query"] |
Edit Feature |
None |
Select a feature on the map to edit. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "point" } }, "tasks.identify", { "name": "edit.display-update-feature", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" }, "geometry": null } }] |
Edit Location Note |
None |
Edits a created note on the map at the selected location. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "point" } }, "tasks.identify", { "name": "map.edit-note", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }] |
Edit Markup |
None |
Select and edit markup geometry and style. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": [ "point", "extent" ] } }, "map.get-markup", { "name": "sketching.edit-geometry", "arguments": { "options": { "enableDelete": true } } }] |
Edit Result |
Spatial, Feature |
Enable editing of this feature. |
[ { "name": "edit.display-update-feature", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }] |
Export Map |
None |
Exports the current view to a web map or scene item and stores it in Portal or ArcGIS Online. |
[ "map.export-web-map-or-scene", "portal.create-or-update-item"] |
Export Markup to CSV |
None |
Exports all markup to a CSV File. |
[ "map.get-markup", "results.from-graphics", "results.convert-to-csv", ""] |
Export Markup to Shapefile |
None |
Exports all markup to a Shapefile. |
[ "map.get-markup", "results.from-graphics", "results.convert-to-shapefile", ""] |
Export Markup to XLSX |
None |
Exports all markup to an XLSX File. |
[ "map.get-markup", "results.from-graphics", "results.convert-to-xlsx", ""] |
Export to CSV |
Spatial, Feature |
Export the result(s) to a CSV file. |
[ "results.convert-to-csv", ""] |
Export to CSV with Formatting |
Spatial, Feature |
Export the formatted result(s) to a CSV file. |
[ { "name": "results.convert-to-csv", "arguments": { "useFormattedValues": true } }, ""] |
Export to Shapefile |
Spatial, Feature |
Export the result(s) to a Shapefile. |
[ "results.convert-to-shapefile", ""] |
Export to XLSX |
Spatial, Feature |
Export the result(s) to a XLSX file. |
[ "results.convert-to-xlsx", ""] |
Export to XLSX with Formatting |
Spatial, Feature |
Export the formatted result(s) to a XLSX file. |
[ { "name": "results.convert-to-xlsx", "arguments": { "useFormattedValues": true } }, ""] |
Find Coordinates on the Map |
None |
Enter coordinates to pan to that location on the map and add a location marker. |
[ { "name": "map.get-user-coordinates-input", "arguments": { "allowSelectFromMap": false, "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }, "map.pan-to-geometry", "drawing.create-graphics", "map.add-markup"] |
Geolocate Feature |
Layer |
Add a geolocated feature to this layer. |
[ "geolocation.get-position", "edit.create-feature", "map.zoom-to-features", { "name": "edit.add-feature", "arguments": { "showNotifications": true } } ] |
Get Sharing link |
None |
Generate a sharing link to the map view. |
[ "system.get-sharing-link", "system.display-sharing-link"] |
Go to Next Map View |
None |
Return to the next map position and zoom level, without animation. |
[ { "name": "map.go-to-next-viewpoint", "arguments": "item://map-extension/default" }] |
Go to Previous Map View |
None |
Return to the previous map position and zoom level, without animation. |
[ { "name": "map.go-to-previous-viewpoint", "arguments": "item://map-extension/default" }] |
Guided Add Layer from File |
None |
Review, adjust, and configure the file data. |
[ { "name": "", "arguments": { "multiple": true, "fileTypeDescription": "language-import-from-files-prompt-description" } }, "results.upload-data-from-files", "results.configure-upload-data", "results.upload-data-to-features", "results.convert-to-layers", "layers.edit-settings", "layers.edit-symbols", "layers.set-title", "layers.set-task-settings", "layers.set-popup-template", "layers.set-symbol", "map.add-layers"] |
Hide |
None |
Hides a component in the app. |
[ { "name": "ui.deactivate", "arguments": "item://map-extension/default" }] |
Hide Layer Labels |
Layer |
Turns off the layer's labels on the map. |
[ "layers.hide-labels" ] |
Identify |
None |
Click, tap, or draw on the map to identify results. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": [ "point", "extent" ] } }, "tasks.identify", "results.display", "charts.display", "kpi.display"] |
Import from CSV |
None |
Import feature(s) from a CSV File and add as a Layer. |
[ "", "results.from-csv", "results.convert-to-layers", "map.add-layers"] |
Import from Shapefile |
None |
Import feature(s) from a Shapefile and add as a Layer. |
[ "", "results.from-shapefile", "results.convert-to-layers", "map.add-layers"] |
Import from XLSX |
None |
Import feature(s) from an XLSX File and add as a Layer. |
[ "", "results.from-xlsx", "results.convert-to-layers", "map.add-layers"] |
Import Markup from CSV |
None |
Import from a CSV File and add as markup. |
[ "", "results.from-csv", "drawing.create-graphics", "map.add-markup"] |
Import Markup from Shapefile |
None |
Import from a Shapefile and add as markup. |
[ "", "results.from-shapefile", "drawing.create-graphics", "map.add-markup"] |
Import Markup from XLSX |
None |
Import from an XLSX File and add as markup. |
[ "", "results.from-xlsx", "drawing.create-graphics", "map.add-markup"] |
Label Settings |
Layer |
Configure some common label settings for this layer's features. |
[ "layers.edit-label-settings", "layers.set-label-classes"] |
Layer Style |
Layer |
Edit the layer's Symbol. |
[ "layers.hide-labels" ] |
Load Project |
None |
Upload a project file to resume a saved project state. |
[ { "name": "", "arguments": { "promptTitle": "language-load-project-prompt-title", "promptMessage": "language-load-project-prompt-message" } }, "app.load-project"] |
Load Starred Results |
None |
Restores all previously starred results as current results. |
[ { "name": "results.get-features", "arguments": { "resultsSetId": "vgs-starred" } }, "results.display"] |
Markup Symbol |
None |
Select and edit a symbol for markup. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "point" } }, "geometry.buffer", "map.get-markup", { "name": "drawing.edit-symbol", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }, "drawing.set-symbol"] |
Measure |
None, Spatial, Feature |
Measure on the map. |
[ { "name": "measurement.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": [ "polygon", "polyline" ], "pluginSettings": { "snapping": true } } }, "measurement.create-graphics", "map.add-markup"] |
Measure Here |
Click, tap, or draw on the map to measure results. |
[ "tasks.identify", "measurement.create-graphics", "map.add-markup"] |
Measurement Settings |
None |
Show the measurement system and units settings dialog. |
[ { "name": "measurement.display-settings", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }] |
Move Location Note |
None |
Moves a note on the map to a new location. |
[ { "name": "sketching.capture-geometry", "arguments": { "geometryType": "point" } }, { "name": "map.get-markup", "arguments": { "collection": "vgs-map-notes" } }, { "name": "sketching.edit-geometry", "arguments": { "options": { "enableDelete": false, "enableScaling": false, "enableVertexEditing": false, "enableRotation": false } } }] |
Notification |
None |
Show a notification to your users. |
[ { "name": "ui.display-notification", "arguments": { "category": "success", "message": "Hello, World!", "position": "top" } }] |
Open a URL |
Layer, None, Spatial, Feature |
Open a URL. Properties of the context layer can be used as tokens within the URL |
[ { "name": "", "arguments": { "url": "" } }] |
Pulse Highlight |
Spatial, Feature |
Create a temporary highlight on the result. |
[ "highlights.pulse"] |
Quick Add Layer from File |
None |
Automatically detect and apply default settings. |
[ { "name": "", "arguments": { "multiple": true, "fileTypeDescription": "language-import-from-files-prompt-description" } }, "results.from-files", "results.convert-to-layers", "map.add-layers"] |
Remove Filter Effect |
Layer, None |
Remove a filter effect from the layer. |
[ { "name": "map.remove-filter-effects", "arguments": "Victoria_Buildings_4805" }] |
Remove Focus |
Spatial, Feature |
Remove the result's focus on the map. |
[ "highlights.remove-focus"] |
Remove Highlight |
Spatial, Feature |
Remove the result's highlight on the map. |
[ "highlights.remove"] |
Remove Layer |
Layer |
Remove the layer from the map. |
[ "map.remove-layers" ] |
Remove Other Results |
Spatial, Feature |
Removes results that do not belong to the current subset. |
[ "results.intersect"] |
Remove Result |
Spatial, Feature |
Remove the result from the result set. |
[ "results.remove"] |
Remove from Starred Results |
Spatial, Feature |
Remove result(s) from starred results list. |
[ { "name": "results.remove", "arguments": { "resultsSetId": "vgs-starred" } }] |
Save Project |
None |
Saves a project from the application's current state. |
[ "app.create-project", ""] |
Set Density |
None |
Updates the density mode that the Ul displays in. |
[ { "name": "ui.set-density", "arguments": "standard" }] |
Set Layer Visibility |
Layer |
Sets whether the layer is visible on the map. |
[ { "name": "layers.set-visibility", "arguments": { "visible": true } }] |
Set Locale |
None |
Sets the current locale of the app. |
[ { "name": "ui.set-locale", "arguments": "en" }] |
Set Theme |
None |
Changes the theme of the app. |
[ { "name": "ui.set-theme", "arguments": "light" }] |
Show |
None |
Shows a component in the app. |
[ { "name": "ui.activate", "arguments": "item://map-extension/default" }] |
Show Buffer Settings |
None |
Opens a dialog where buffer settings can be set. |
[ { "name": "geometry.display-settings", "arguments": { "attributes": { "slot": "top-start" } } }] |
Show Layer Labels |
Layer |
Turns on the layer's labels on the map. |
[ ""] |
Switch Results View |
None |
Switches the mode in which to view results. |
[ { "name": "results.set-display-components", "arguments": "results-table" } ] |
Zoom to Initial Viewpoint |
None |
Return all maps to the initial viewpoints. |
[ "map.zoom-to-initial-viewpoint"] |
Zoom to Layer Extent |
Layer |
Zooms to the full extent of the layer. |
[ "map.zoom-to-layer-extent"] |
Zoom to Layer Visible Scale |
Layer |
Zooms to the nearest scale value at which the layer becomes visible. |
[ "map.zoom-to-layer-visible-scale"] |
Zoom to Next Map View |
None |
Return to the next map position and zoom level, with animation. |
[ { "name": "map.zoom-to-next-viewpoint", "arguments": "item://map-extension/default" }] |
Zoom to Previous Map View |
None |
Return to the previous map position and zoom level, with animation. |
[ { "name": "map.zoom-to-previous-viewpoint", "arguments": "item://map-extension/default" }] |
Zoom to Result |
Spatial, Feature |
Zoom to the result on the map. |
[ "map.zoom-to-features"] |