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Keyboard Shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts allow end users to interact with VertiGIS Studio Web using a keyboard instead of a mouse. The current UI component is highlighted with a border, which is blue by default. Keyboard shortcuts do not interfere with or prevent the user from using the mouse—the user can go back and forth between keyboard shortcuts and the mouse.

VertiGIS Studio Web uses standard shortcuts to navigate the page and select or activate items.

General Keyboard Shortcuts

To do this...


Navigate forward through the page's components

Tab *

Navigate backward through the page's components


Navigate within a composite component such as a menu

Arrow keys

Select or activate the current UI component


Select checkbox, radio button, or toggle

Space Bar

Pan the map (if selected)

Arrow keys

Rotate the map (if selected) anticlockwise / clockwise - 2D only

A / D

Zoom in / out the map (if selected) - 2D only

- / +

Rotate the map (if selected) left / right - 3D only

A / D

Rotate the map (if selected) up / down - 3D only

W / S

Expand / collapse tree in the layer list

Right Arrow / Left Arrow

Jump to first / last cell in the results table

Ctrl+Home / Ctrl+End

Save the app


Toggle the Skip Links menu


Open Pinpoint Search


* The initial tab operation in a new browser session opens the Skip Links menu, allowing the user to navigate directly to various components.


Geometry-editing Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts only work within the context of editing a geometry, for example, editing the geometry of a feature, drawing or measurement.

To do this...


Navigate to the next editor widget control (2D only)


Navigate to the previous editor widget control (2D only)


Move the editor widget control that currently has focus (2D only)

Arrow keys

Focus on the rotate control (2D only)


Focus on the top-left scale control (2D only)


Focus on the move control (2D only)


Enable precision mode (2D only)

Shift (hold)

Cancel editing the geometry


Delete the edited geometry


Toggle free scaling mode


Complete the edit session with the current geometry



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Documentation Version 5.33 (ea99e261)