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Shared Storage Service

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You can configure the Shared Storage Service to point to a simple storage service (S3)-compatible data store of your choice. You set up and manage this data store (which lives either in the cloud or on premises), so you have significant control over access permissions.

This is not intended as a long-term storage device. As your map data changes over time, your project will have a more difficult time loading and will eventually not load at all.

A Shared Storage Service is required for Shared Projects. When you set up your Shared Storage Service in Designer, the connection information is not stored in your app JSON, as it is not secure. It is managed by us in your portal item. When you delete your app, the portal item is automatically deleted as well.

The table below describes the fields you must configure to set up a Shared Storage Service.



Endpoint URL

The address for your S3-compatible data store. If you are using Amazon Web Services (AWS), do not include the sub-domain for your bucket.

Use Legacy Path Endpoints

If enabled, uses the deprecated path-style URL to access objects in your data store bucket. This is necessary for some S3-compatible data stores.

Bucket Name

The name you assigned to the object storage container in your data store. This bucket must be publicly shared with read access.

Read Write AccessKeyId

The access key you created when you set up your data store. It must be scoped to have read and write permissions only on the specified bucket.

Read Write SecretAccessKey

The secret access key you created when you set up your data store. It must be scoped to have read and write permissions only on the specified bucket.

Shared Storage Status

Shows the current status of the Shared Storage Service. Click the refresh icon to test the configuration; if it is valid, the status shows as Available.


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