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Mail Server Connections for Server Workflows

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The Send Email activity allows you to send email messages from server workflows. This activity requires access to an SMTP server, either an enterprise server or an online mail provider.

To allow VertiGIS Studio Workflow to use the SMTP server to send emails, you must configure the server's connection information in your on-premises VertiGIS Studio Workflow installation.

To configure an SMTP connection:

1.Navigate to the data directory in your VertiGIS Studio Workflow installation.

To find out the location of the data directory, open the VertiGIS Studio Workflow Post Installer and look on the Data panel.

The default location for the data directory is C:\ProgramData\Geocortex\Workflow.

2.Edit the emailsettings.json file as an administrator.

3.Add the following name/value pairs ("name": "value") to Default:

Host: The mail server's host name and domain, for example,

Port: The port that the mail server uses.

Username, Password: If the mail server is secured, set Username and Password to the username and password that you use to access the mail server. If the mail server is not secured, omit Username and Password.

EnableSSL: To encrypt outgoing emails, set EnableSSL to true. The mail server must support SSL or TLS and it must have a valid certificate. If the certificate is invalid or the server does not support SSL or TLS, sending emails will fail.

If you set EnableSSL to false, Workflow Server will try to detect whether the mail server supports SSL or TLS:

If the mail server supports SSL or TLS, outgoing emails will be encrypted.

If the mail server does not support SSL or TLS, outgoing emails will not be encrypted.

If the mail server supports SSL or TLS but has an invalid certificate, sending emails will fail.

    "EmailSettings": {
        "Configurations": {
            "Default": {
                "Host": "",
                "Port": 587,
                "Username": "MyUsername",
                "Password": "MyPassword",
                "EnableSSL": true

4.Save and close the file.

5.In IIS, recycle the VertiGISStudioWorkflow application pool.

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