Initializes a new instance of the LayerTheme class.
Initializes a new instance of the LayerTheme class.
The display name of the theme, that can be shown to the end user.
The list of {@link geocortex.essentials.Extension} (if any) as defined by the administrator on the server.
The ID of the theme. If the ID is null, it is defined to be the default theme
A boolean indicating if this theme is the currently active theme.
A boolean indicating whether this is the default theme. This is determined based on whether or not the ID is null. If the ID is null, it is taken to be the default theme. If it is not null, it is not the default theme. The default theme specifies that all layers are included, and the visibilities are as configured in the site map.
The LayerThemesInfo object contained in the map.
The list of {@geocortex.PropertyParam} objects as defined by the administrator on the server.
Applies the theme settings to the map. This method iterates through all the layers in the map and adjusts their visibility and other settings depending on if the layer is in the theme or not. By design, this method will reapply the theme even if the theme has already been applied. It also ensures that the theme is set to this theme. In order to call this method, the LayerThemesInfo, and properties must be specified in order for this method to get access to the map.
Represents a set of layers which are grouped together in a meaningful way for a certain use case. There will typically be multiple layer themes in a site which the end user can toggle between, effectively swapping ou the list of layers with the new list of layers as configured in the selected layer theme. The theme allows for the inclusion/exclusion of layers, and for each layer that is included in the theme, the visibility can be specified.