The URL to the REST endpoint of the PrintTemplate.
Occurs when initialization of this object fails.
Occurs when initialization succeeds with a response from the REST endpoint. Depending on the API, this response may actually be an error message served as a correct HTTP response.
Default grid for this print template.
Default map scale for this print template.
Default map scale name for this print template.
Default output format for this print template.
Default resolution for this print template.
The description of the PrintTemplate.
The display name of the PrintTemplate.
The extensions of the PrintTemplate, as defined by an administrator.
The map grids (for example, graticules) that are available for the print template.
The ID of the PrintTemplate.
The exception that occurred if the object could not be initialized.
Whether or not this print template is default.
Whether or not the object was successfully initialized.
The height of the main Map control on the print template.
The width of the main Map control on the print template.
The maximum resolution at which this template can be printed.
The properties of the PrintTemplate, defined by the administrator on the server.
The URL of the PrintTemplate if it is a URL-based report.
The Site that the PrintTemplate belongs to.
The collection of supported {@link geocortex.essentials.Scale}s for the PrintTemplate.
The collection of supported output formats for the PrintTemplate.
The collection of supported Resolution settings for the PrintTemplate.
Whether or not this print template supports asynchronous execution providing an email to the user upon completion.
The parameters associated with this template if it is a URL-based report.
The collection of TextField for the PrintTemplate.
The type of report. One of ReportType. (currently only supporting MAP_TEMPLATE_REPORT
The URL that this resource was initialized from.
The visibility of the PrintTemplate.
Performs a callback function when this instance has been initialized. If this instance is already initialized when this function is called, the callback function will execute immediately.
The scope to using when executing the callback - i.e. the value of the 'this' variable in the callback function. This parameter may be ommitted in which cased the first parameter will be used as the callback function.
The callback function to execute when this instance has been initialized.
Initializes the {@link geocortex.essentials.AsyncInitializable}. This is an asynchronous method, you may subscribe to the onInitialized and onInitializationFailed events for completion information.
Gets whether the PrintTemplate is currently being printed.
True if a print operation is currently being performed, false otherwise.
Prints the template using ReportParameters. This is an asynchronous method, you may provide delegates for completion or error information.
The print parameters.
The delegate that will be called when the print has completed (even if an error occurs). This delegate expects one argument: a string representing the URL of the prepared report.
The delegate that will be called if an error occurs. This delegate expects two arguments: a reference to the PrintTemplate instance, and an Error.
Initializes a new instance of the PrintTemplate class.