Indicates the expiration time of the principal.
Collection of identities that represents the current user.
Flag that indicates if the user was authenticated or not.
Indicates the label (friendly name) of this principal.
Indicates any semantics relevant to sign in / sign out behavior.
Indicates that the policy is suggesting to the client that authentication may be desirable or even required.
Indicates to the client what is acceptable for sign in / sign out.
The list of available issuers.
Indicates the tokens that may be consumed.
Indicates the ArcGIS tokens (realm => token).
Indicates the Geocortex tokens (realm => token).
Indicates the site token.
Indicates any important URLs.
Indicates the expiration notice content URL.
Indicates the referrer URL.
Indicates the refresh URL.
Indicates the sign in URL.
Indicates the sign out URL.
Contains information about the connected user.