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Optional featureSet

featureSet: FeatureSet

Optional gcxLayerDefinition

gcxLayerDefinition: any

The geocortex layer definition as returned from essentials.Layer.toJson(). Used for user-added layers.

Optional id

id: number

A number indicating the index position of the layer in the WMS or map service.

Optional isDynamic

isDynamic: boolean

Whether the layer is a dynamic layer. If this is true, then layerDefinition should be specified as well.

Optional isUserCreated

isUserCreated: boolean

Whether or not the layer was created by a user at runtime

Optional layerDefinition

layerDefinition: LayerDefinition

Optional layerStyleId

layerStyleId: string

The id of the currently enabled layer style, if any.

Optional layerUrl

layerUrl: string

A URL to a service that should be used for all queries against the layer. Used with hosted tiled map services on ArcGIS Online when there is an associated feature service that allows for queries. Note that this should NOT be filled out otherwise.

Optional legendUrl

legendUrl: string

A URL to a legend graphic for the layer. This property only exists when used with WMS layers.The URL usually contains a GetLegendGraphic request.

Optional name

name: string

A unique name for the layer. Used with WMS layers, where it can sometimes be derived from the layer's index position.

Optional parentLayerId

parentLayerId: number

If working with nested layers, this is the numeric value indicating the layer id of the next layer (parent) directly above the current referenced layer.

Optional popupInfo

popupInfo: PopupInfo

A popupInfo object defining the pop-up window content for the layer.


serviceLayer: ServiceLayer

Optional subLayerIds

subLayerIds: number[]

If the layer is a parent layer, it will have one or more sub layers included in an array.

Optional title

title: string

A user-friendly title for the layer that can be used in a table of contents. Used with WMS layers.

Optional userLayerType

userLayerType: string

The type of user created layer, if any. One of:

  • LayerAddition - the layer was added by browsing/searching for services and layers in a dialog
  • LayerCatalog - the layer was added from a catalog
  • Upload - the layer was added by uploading a file

Only applies to layers created at runtime.