This method offsets displayed dates to display to the user in a time zone defined by an administrator. JavaScript's native Date objects automatically display themselves in the local time of the client machine. For example, if a date reads 3PM in New York, in general that same date will read 12PM in Los Angeles. This is not appropriate for all applications; sometimes we would like to make sure a date has the same display value to any user in any location. The current method accomplishes that.
The date to modify for display.
The time zone of the date as stored in the database.
The time zone in which the date should be displayed.
Many users store dates in their local time zones, and they may not advertise this fact to ArcGIS Server. This may cause a mismatch when ArcGIS Server serializes the date field as a UNIX timestamp, whose time zone is always UTC (also known as GMT). Thus the browser will offset the dates it displays in local time, assuming that its Date objects are generated from UNIX timestamps; in this function, dates' presentable values are offset to their true UTC values, depending on the time zone ID for the layer (or map service, or site) containing this date. If there is no time zone ID, this function should not be called; if the time zone ID is a UTC equivalent (e.g., Etc/GMT, Etc/UCT, Etc/UCT), then no offset should be applied.
The date to potentially offset.
The IANA ID of the time zone in which the data are recorded in the database
The QueryBuilder takes date objects implicitly in local time (with respect to the browser) and parses them as strings, which we then submit as a query. This is not always appropriate if, for example, the database is properly-configured in UTC, or if it happens to be in another time zone. Hence this method corrects a date from the browser's time to the zone corresponding to the given database and display time zone IDs.
The date to offset
The IANA ID of the time zone in which the data are recorded in the database
The IANA ID of the time zone in which the data are displayed.
Many users store dates in their local time zones, and they may not advertise this fact to ArcGIS Server. This may cause a mismatch when ArcGIS Server serializes the date field as a UNIX timestamp, whose time zone is always UTC (also known as GMT). Thus the browser will submit dates to the server in UTC, regardless of which time zone the data are stored in; in this function, dates' submitted values are offset to their true UTC values, depending on the time zone ID for the layer (or map service, or site) containing this date. If there is no time zone ID, this function should not be called; if the time zone ID is a UTC equivalent (e.g., Etc/GMT, Etc/UCT, Etc/UCT), then no offset should be applied.
The date to offset
The IANA ID of the time zone in which the data are recorded in the database
The IANA ID of the time zone in which the data are displayed to the user.
Retrieves the display time zone from a map service's site.
The map service whose display time zone we are interrogating.
Retrieves the time zone from a layer (or the layer's map service, or the site).
The layer whose time zone we are interrogating.
Retrieves the time zone from a map service (or the site).
The map service whose time zone we are interrogating.
Time is a tricky business, made more tricky by local implementation of time zones. The two major concepts when dealing with time are that of an "instant" and that of a "clock"; in general, an "instant" is the moment in the history of the Universe when an event precisely occurs (setting aside concerns of relativity and the impossibility of simultinaety), and clocks around the world will say different things to describe this instant. By convention, the "standard" clock is one which is set in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). All local times (i.e., all other clock times) are offset by some number of minutes from UTC, generally (though not always) in hour or half-hour increments. A "time zone", by definition, is an area of the world in which all clocks agree with one another. Thus the same instant will have the same "clock time" inside a given time zone, but the "clock time" for that same instant will generally differ across different time zones.
Computers have tried to make this process as seamless as possible by communicating time via UTC timestamps, and then converting those timestamps to the clock time of their local time zone. So in the viewer, when a user sees a date, that date has been consumed by JavaScript as a timestamp in UTC, and the Date object converts itself to the system time of the client machine when it is presented to the user.
TimeZoneUtils solves two problems associated with this behaviour. The first is ArcGIS Server generally communicates dates as UTC timestamps, while administrators do not always store their times in UTC. This can lead to the wrong time showing up when JavaScript automatically converts the timestamp from UTC time to local time, since the timestamp might not actually describe an instant in UTC time. The second problem is that administrators may wish their dates to look the same for all of their users, regardless of the users' time zones; that is, they do not want the dates converted to the users' clock times, but instead to the clock time of a preselected time zone, and they want this time to look the same no matter where the user is located in the world. The various constants and methods in this module are designed with these problems in mind.