Service Connections

Service connections store the information that Essentials needs in order to connect to services. This information includes a service's URL, security information if the service is secured, and, depending on the service type, possibly some other information.

Service connections have three purposes:

Service connections are shared by all the sites in an instance of Essentials. When you add a service connection to one site in an instance of Essentials, it becomes available in all the sites in that instance of Essentials. If you remove a service connection in one site, the service connection is removed from the other sites.

You cannot add service connections for KML or GeoRSS layers. This means that you cannot search for KML or GeoRSS layers by keyword in Manager. To add a KML or GeoRSS layer to the map, you must enter the URL.

Access Service Connections in Manager

There are two places in Manager where you can manage service connections:

The two Service Connections tabs are synchronized. When you change the service connections on one Service Connections tab, the change is reflected on the other Service Connections tab.

The Service Connections tab in the Add Map Service dialog has an additional function that the main Service Connections tab does not have: it allows you to select a map service or layer and add it to the map.

To open the Add Map Service dialog box:

  1. In Manager, edit a site, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click Add Map Service.

We recommend that you use the same protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) for all the map services that you add to a site. Browsers might not display all of a site's content if you use different protocols within one site. The protocol that you use for map services should be the same as the protocol that you use for viewer URLs.

Add a Service Connection

You can add the following types of service connection:

Add an ArcGIS Server Service Connection

ArcGIS Server service connection allow you to search ArcGIS Server catalogs and folders for services and layers to add to the map.

If the ArcGIS Server service is hosted on ArcGIS Online, you must add an ArcGIS Online service connection, not an ArcGIS Server service connection.

To add an ArcGIS Server service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service—the Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can add service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select ArcGIS Server.

  4. In the Display Name box, type a name for the service connection.

    Manager uses the display name in the list of service connections on the Service Connections tab and in the Add Map Service dialog box. In addition, if you enable the end user to search this service connection when adding a layer to the map, the display name may appear in the viewer.

    If you leave the Display Name box empty, the name is the service type followed by the service's URL.

  5. URL: Type or paste the URL for the service, catalog, or folder.

    For example,, where is the ArcGIS Server host name.

  6. Authentication Settings: If the service is secured, select the authentication method for Essentials to use when connecting to the service.

    If you are using a proxy page, Essentials uses the authentication settings to access the proxy page, rather than to access the service itself.

    • Web Tier (default or anonymous credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want Essentials to authenticate as the application pool user.


      • The service is not secured.

    • Web Tier (configured credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using basic or digest authentication.


      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want to configure the credentials for Essentials to use when authenticating.

      In the Username and Password text fields, enter the credentials that you want Essentials to use.

    • Token Security (by user): Select this option if the service is secured using token security.

      In the Username and Password boxes, type the credentials that you want Essentials to use when authenticating. If you have changed the location where tokens are issued, type the URL of the location in the Token URL box.

      By default, Essentials assumes the token duration of all your ArcGIS services is 60 minutes, which is the ArcGIS default. However, if the token duration of any of your ArcGIS services is shorter, you must specify the token duration in Essentials. To specify the token duration:

      1. Open the Essentials web.config file.

        The Essentials web.config file is located in {GE_HOME}\REST\Web.config.

      2. In the appSettings element, add a new add element.

      3. Add a key attribute to appSettings and set it to ArcGisRestMapServiceBase.MaximumTokenDuration.

      4. Add a value attribute to appSettings and set it to the maximum token duration in minutes.

      For example, to set the maximum token duration to 20 minutes: 

        <add key="ArcGisRestMapServiceBase.MaximumTokenDuration" value="20" />.
  7. Proxy Settings: If you are using a proxy page, enter the proxy page's URL in the Proxy URL box.

    For example,

  8. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

    • Search For: If you want the Search function to search for services only, select Map Services. If you want the Search function to also search for layers, select Map Services and Layers.

      Searching for layers affects the performance of the Search function. You should only enable searching for layers if the catalog is reasonably small.

  9. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog box closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  10. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Add a Portal for ArcGIS Service Connection

Portal for ArcGIS service connections allow you to search Portal for ArcGIS portals for web maps to add to the map.

When Essentials is registered with Portal for ArcGIS, your Essentials installation has a built-in Portal for ArcGIS service connection which does not appear in Manager's list of service connections. The built-in connection enables you to search your private Portal for ArcGIS content, as well as public Portal for ArcGIS content.

In addition, the built-in Portal for ArcGIS service connection can be searched from viewers that allow end users to add layers to the map.

The only way to use private Portal for ArcGIS content in Essentials sites is to register Essentials with Portal for ArcGIS. For information about registering Essentials with Portal for ArcGIS, see Choose a Method to Sign In to Manager in the Essentials installation documentation.

Regardless of whether Essentials is registered with Portal for ArcGIS, you can configure as many Portal for ArcGIS service connections as you want.

To add a Portal for ArcGIS service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service—the Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can add service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select Portal for ArcGIS.

  4. In the Display Name box, type a name for the service connection.

    Manager uses the display name in the list of service connections on the Service Connections tab and in the Add Map Service dialog box. In addition, if you enable the end user to search this service connection when adding a layer to the map, the display name may appear in the viewer.

    If you leave the Display Name box empty, the name is the service type followed by the service's URL.

  5. URL: Type or paste the portal's URL.

    For example,, where is the Portal for ArcGIS host name.

  6. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

  7. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog box closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  8. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Add an ArcGIS Online Service Connection

ArcGIS Online service connections allow you to search ArcGIS Online for services and web maps to add to the map.

When Essentials is registered with ArcGIS Online, your Essentials installation has a built-in service connection for your private ArcGIS Online content. The built-in connection enables you to search your private ArcGIS Online content. The only way to use private ArcGIS Online content in Essentials sites is to register Essentials with ArcGIS Online when you configure the method to sign in to Essentials.

The built-in ArcGIS Online service connection does not appear in the list of service connections in Essentials, and you cannot add an ArcGIS Online service connection when Essentials is registered with ArcGIS Online, because your Essentials instance has a built-in connection.

The built-in ArcGIS Online service connection can be searched from viewers that allow end users to add layers to the map.

If Essentials is not registered with ArcGIS Online, your Essentials installation has an ArcGIS Online service connection by default. If you remove the default ArcGIS Online connection, you can add it again the way you would add any other ArcGIS Online service connection.

To add an ArcGIS Online service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service—the Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can add service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select ArcGIS Online.

  4. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

  5. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog box closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  6. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Add a Web Tiled Layer Service Connection

Web tiled layer service connection allow you to search web tiled layers like Open Street Maps for layers to add to the map.

To add a web tiled layer service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service—the Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can add service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select Web Tiled Layer.

  4. Display Name: Type a display name for the web tiled layer.

    Manager uses the display name in the list of service connections on the Service Connections tab and in the Add Map Service dialog box. In addition, if you enable the end user to search this service connection when adding a layer to the map, the display name may appear in the viewer.

    If you leave the Display Name box empty, the name is the service type followed by the service's URL.

  5. URL Template: Type the URL template for the tile server.

    The URL template must contain the {level}, {col}, and {row} tokens. For example, a URL template might have the following form:


    See Web Tiled Layers for more information.

    Some web tiled services use dollar signs ($) in their URL templates. Dollar signs are optional in Essentials.

  6. Subdomains: If the URL template contains the {subdomain} token, list the subdomains that you want to submit tile requests to. Separate the subdomains in the list using commas.

  7. Copyright: If you want to credit the organization that publishes the web tiled service, type the copyright statement in the Copyright box. The copyright appears in the lower right corner of the map.

    The copyright can include HTML markup. This means you can include a hyperlink to the organization's website. For example:

    © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors

    appears on the map as: © OpenStreetMap contributors.

  8. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

  9. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog box closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  10. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Add a WMS Service Connection

WMS service connections allow you to search WMS map services for layers to add to the map.

To add a WMS service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service—the Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can add service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select WMS (Web Map Service).

  4. In the Display Name box, type a name for the service connection.

    Manager uses the display name in the list of service connections on the Service Connections tab and in the Add Map Service dialog box. In addition, if you enable the end user to search this service connection when adding a layer to the map, the display name may appear in the viewer.

    If you leave the Display Name box empty, the name is the service type followed by the service's URL.

  5. URL: Type or paste the service's URL.

    For example,, where is the host name.

  6. Authentication Settings: If the service is secured, select the authentication method for Essentials to use when connecting to the service.

    If you are using a proxy page, Essentials uses the settings that you configure here to access the proxy page, rather than to access the service itself.

    • Web Tier (default or anonymous credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want Essentials to authenticate as the application pool user.


      • The service is not secured.

    • Web Tier (configured credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using basic or digest authentication.


      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want to configure the credentials for Essentials to use when authenticating.

      In the Username and Password text fields, enter the credentials that you want Essentials to use.

  7. Proxy Settings: If you are using a proxy page, enter the proxy page's URL in the Proxy URL box.

    For example,

  8. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

    • Search For: If you want the Search function to search for services only, select Map Services. If you want the Search function to also search for layers, select Map Services and Layers.

      Searching for layers affects the performance of the Search function. You should only enable searching for layers if the catalog is reasonably small.

  9. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog box closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  10. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

    WMS service connections have es to set the default visibility for the layers. If you use the service connection to add the service, the service inherits the visibility settings from the service connection. You can also change the visibility settings for the service after you have added it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Add a WMTS Service Connection

WMTS service connections allow you to search WMTS map services for layers to add to the map.

To add a WMTS service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service—the Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can add service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select WMTS (Web Map Tiled Service).

  4. In the Display Name box, type a name for the service connection.

    Manager uses the display name in the list of service connections on the Service Connections tab and in the Add Map Service dialog box. In addition, if you enable the end user to search this service connection when adding a layer to the map, the display name may appear in the viewer.

    If you leave the Display Name box empty, the name is the service type followed by the service's URL.

  5. URL: Type or paste the service's URL.

    For example,, where is the host name.

  6. Authentication Settings: If the service is secured, select the authentication method for Essentials to use when connecting to the service.

    If you are using a proxy page, Essentials uses the settings that you configure here to access the proxy page, rather than to access the service itself.

    • Web Tier (default or anonymous credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want Essentials to authenticate as the application pool user.


      • The service is not secured.

    • Web Tier (configured credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using basic or digest authentication.


      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want to configure the credentials for Essentials to use when authenticating.

      In the Username and Password text fields, enter the credentials that you want Essentials to use.

  7. Proxy Settings: If you are using a proxy page, enter the proxy page's URL in the Proxy URL box.

    For example,

  8. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

    • Search For: If you want the Search function to search for services only, select Map Services. If you want the Search function to also search for layers, select Map Services and Layers.

      Searching for layers affects the performance of the Search function. You should only enable searching for layers if the catalog is reasonably small.

  9. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog box closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  10. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Add a WFS Service Connection

WFS service connections allow you to search WFS feature services for layers to add to the map.

To add a WFS service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service. The Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can manage service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select WFS (Web Feature Service).

  4. In the Display Name text field, type a name for the service connection.

    Manager uses the display name in the list of service connections on the Service Connections tab and in the Add Map Service dialog box. In addition, if you enable the end user to search this service connection when adding a layer to the map, the display name may appear in the viewer.

    If you leave the Display Name box empty, the name is the service type followed by the service's URL.

  5. URL: Type or paste the service's URL.

    For example,, where is the host name.

  6. Authentication Settings: If the map service is secured, select the authentication method for Essentials to use when connecting to the service.

    If you are using a proxy page, Essentials uses the settings that you configure here to access the proxy page, rather than to access the service itself.

    • Web Tier (default or anonymous credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want Essentials to authenticate as the application pool user.


      • The service is not secured.

    • Web Tier (configured credentials): Select this option if:

      • The service is secured using basic or digest authentication.


      • The service is secured using Integrated Windows Authentication and you want to configure the credentials for Essentials to use when authenticating.

      In the Username and Password text fields, enter the credentials that you want Essentials to use.

  7. Proxy Settings: If you are using a proxy page, enter the proxy page's URL in the Proxy URL box.

    For example,

  8. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

    • Search For: If you want the Search function to search for services only, select Map Services. If you want the Search function to also search for layers, select Map Services and Layers.

      Searching for layers affects the performance of the Search function. You should only enable searching for layers if the catalog is reasonably small.

  9. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  10. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Add a Bing Maps Service Connection

Bing Maps service connections allow you to search Bing Maps for layers to add to the map.

To add a Bing Maps service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

    You can also add service connections when you are adding a map service—the Add Map Service dialog box has a Service Connections tab where you can add service connections.

  2. Click Add Connection.

  3. In the Connection Type box, select Bing Maps.

  4. Type your Bing Maps key in the Bing Maps Key box.

  5. Service Discovery Settings:

    • Search In: If you want the Search function to be able to search this service connection in Manager only, select Manager. If you also want viewers to be able to search this service connection, select Manager and Viewers. The ability to search service connections from a viewer is used by the User Layer Addition feature.

  6. Click OK.

    Manager connects to the service using the settings that you have configured. The dialog box closes and the service connection appears at the bottom of the list of connections.

  7. In the list of connections, drag the new connection to the position in the list that you want it.

See also...

Add Services to the Map

Edit a Service Connection

Modifying a service connection has no effect on services that have already been added to the map—the changes only affect newly added services and layers. To modify a service that has already been added to the map, edit the service.

To edit a service connection:

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

  2. In the list of service connections, select the service connection that you want to edit.

  3. Click the Edit Connection hyperlink.

  4. Update the settings.

    Your changes take effect immediately.

Allow End Users to Search a Service Connection

The ability to search a service connection from a viewer is controlled by the service connection's Search In setting. By default, a service connection can be searched in Manager only. You can change the setting to search in Manager and Viewers.

KML and GeoRSS layers do not have service connections, so they do not have a Search In setting. KML and GeoRSS layers are always searchable in Manager and Viewers.

When an end user performs a keyword search to add a layer, the viewer searches all the configured service connections that have the Search In setting set to Manager and Viewers. The user can select a service in the search results and add it to the map.

You can change the Search In setting at any time by editing the service connection. Follow the instructions below.

To allow end users to search a service connection:

If Essentials is registered with Portal for ArcGIS, your Essentials installation has a built-in Portal for ArcGIS service connection. The built-in Portal for ArcGIS service connection can be searched from viewers. If you have configured additional Portal for ArcGIS service connections, you can configure whether they can be searched from viewers.

Similarly, if Essentials is registered with ArcGIS Online, your Essentials installation has a built-in ArcGIS Online service connection that can be searched by viewers.

  1. In Manager, click the Service Connections tab.

  2. In the list of service connections, select the service connection that you want to configure.

  3. Click the Edit Connection hyperlink.

  4. Select Manager and Viewers for the Search In setting.

    Enable searching the service connection in viewers

    The change takes effect immediately.