Compiler Errors

The following table describes some common Essentials Workflow Designer compiler errors.

Common Compiler Errors

Error Message


Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

Value of type ‘<Type1>’ cannot be converted to ‘<Type2>’.

You have assigned an argument of an activity to a variable that is the wrong data type. The variable type must match the type of the argument.

Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

Option Strict ON disallows implicit conversions from ‘<Type1>’ to ‘<Type2>’.

You have assigned a variable to an in argument that is the wrong data type. The variable type must match the type of the input argument. In some cases you may be able to cast the variable to the correct type inline.

Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

‘<Variable>’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.


Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

‘<Method()>’ is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.

Your expression contains a variable or method that is not defined. Check the spelling of the variable or method name.

Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

Invalid L-value expression.

You are attempting to assign an output argument of an activity to an expression rather than a variable or argument. You cannot assign an output argument value to an expression. You can only assign it to a variable or argument.

Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

String constants must end with a double quote.

Your expression contains text that is not enclosed by double quotes.

Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

Expression expected.


Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

End of expression expected.


Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

‘<Name>’ is a type and cannot be used as an expression


Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression “<Expression>”.

‘.’ expected.

The syntax of the expression is incorrect.