Configure Workflow Container Activity


Configures the workflow container in the viewer. Use this activity to do things like show or hide the workflow container.

Inheritance Hierarchy:



You can use this activity to control various aspects of the workflow container implemented in a viewer. For example, you could show or hide the container, change the title, configure a visual busy indicator, and change the display message.

In a Workflow:

Typically, workflow containers are used to display feedback to the user between activities, or at the beginning of the workflow to let the user know that something is happening. This activity could be used to display a "Loading" message to the user while execution of a long-running workflow activity is progressing. This gives the user immediate feedback that something is happening instead of waiting until the long-running activity completes before displaying a result.


Name Description

Workflow Container Name

The name of the client workflow container. For more information, see Workflow Containers.

Icon URI

The URI to the icon that will display with the container.

Is Busy

Specifies whether or not the client should display a visual indicator that it is busy.


The text to display in the workflow container.

Show Container

Specifies whether the workflow container should be shown or hidden.


The text to display in the title bar of the workflow container.


Display Name


You can change the name of an activity to one that describes what it does. A descriptive name can make a workflow easier to interpret and maintain.

External Id

An activity handler within a client can reference this particular activity using this external identifier.

Version Information:

Supported from: Geocortex Essentials 3.5, Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight 1.3, Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 1.0.