Delete Attachment Activity


Deletes attachments from a feature of an ArcGIS Server feature layer.

Inheritance Hierarchy:



This activity allows you remove attachments from a feature in a feature layer.

In a Workflow:

You would use this activity to remove file attachments of a feature in a feature layer.


Name Description

In Arguments


The network credentials that are sent to the host and used to authenticate the request.

Feature Layer Url

The URL of the ArcGIS Server feature layer. The layer must support attachments. For example: http://server/arcgis/rest/services/<serviceName>/FeatureServer/<layerId>.

Feature Id

The ID of the feature to add the attachment to.

GDB Version

The geodatabase version on which the operation will be performed. This argument only applies to layers that support versioned data.


The token for accessing a secure ArcGIS Server feature layer.

Proxy Url

The URL to proxy the request through.

Attachment Ids

The IDs of the attachments to delete.


Display Name


You can change the name of an activity to one that describes what it does. A descriptive name can make a workflow easier to interpret and maintain.

Out Arguments


The attachment operation result.

Version Information:

Supported from: Geocortex Essentials 3.7.