Get Extension <T> Activity


Gets an extension object from the workflow.

Inheritance Hierarchy:



This activity provides a mechanism to obtain extension objects from the workflow runtime. Extension objects are added by the host application (Geocortex Essentials) when the workflow is initiated. With this activity you specify the type of extension object you are looking for, if an extension of that type is available it will be provided as the result.

Geocortex Essentials provides the following extension types:

In a Workflow:

You could use this activity to obtain a WorkflowInfo object to determine the path of the XAML file of the current workflow.


Name Description


Display Name


You can change the name of an activity to one that describes what it does. A descriptive name can make a workflow easier to interpret and maintain.

Out Arguments


The result extension of the specified type if present; otherwise, null.

Version Information:

Supported from: Geocortex Essentials 4.0.