Refresh Map Activity


Refreshes a map in a client application.

Inheritance Hierarchy:



This activity causes the client side map control to refresh itself. You can specify a single map service to refresh or all of the map services currently in use.

In a Workflow:

You would use this activity if, in a previous activity, you had made a modification to the data in a layer, and you want to redraw the map layer immediately.


Name Description

In Arguments

Map Service ID

The ID of the Geocortex map service to refresh. If none is specified, all map services that support refreshing, are refreshed.


Display Name


You can change the name of an activity to one that describes what it does. A descriptive name can make a workflow easier to interpret and maintain.

External Id

An activity handler within a client can reference this particular activity using this external identifier.

Version Information:

Supported from: Geocortex Essentials 3.0, Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight 1.0, Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 1.0.