Internationalize Mobile Apps
It is possible to translate an app created in Mobile Designer into multiple languages by using the Language feature. Users view apps in their own language if you have configured them. If you have not configured them, the user will see the UI in the Fallback language configured in the Region service.
For VertiGIS Studio Mobile, you can translate any user-entered strings that you are able to edit in Mobile Designer, for example, the title of the I Want To menu. However, the interface around those translated elements will remain in English for this version, as a mechanism for translating those UI strings, is not yet available.
In Mobile Designer, languages consist of two-letter language codes to simplify internationalization. For a complete list of language codes, see List of ISO 639-1 codes.
To set the language for an app:
- While configuring your app in Mobile Designer, in the Language menu in the top-right corner, select the language you want to provide alternative translations for. For example, fr for French.
- In the Components panel, enter all the text settings for that language. For example, change the titles, names and other UI text for all components.
- Click File | Save.