Service Settings

You can change the settings for any service in a VertiGIS Studio Mobile app. The settings for services are accessible from the Services panel, which appears when you create or open an app.

In Mobile Designer, you can use Pinpoint Search (CTRL+SHIFT+F) to easily find any service.

App Settings

You need to configure the version numbers for any app before you send it through Development-Testing-Staging-Production. When you make changes, you should update the version number manually. When you finish developing an app and are ready to create a custom build to deploy in your organization, there are settings that you can specify for your target platforms.

If you plan to deploy your app using Google Play, the App Store or Microsoft Store, you need to first obtain provisioning files from the app stores before you can fill in some of the settings.

For detailed requirements about each platform's ID format, see the following:

In the Platforms section, select and change any of the following:

Branding Settings

The following settings apply to the whole app.

Geocoder Settings

Coordinates Settings

Define settings and a default datum transformation for use with a high-precision GPS receiver.

For more information, see Configure High-Precision GNSS.

Currently supported GNSS devices include the following:

Highlighting Settings

The following settings apply to the colors and text that appear around features to highlight them when they are returned in search results or to surround a feature on the map when it is in focus.

Launch Link Workflows Settings

Region Settings

You can define the units of measurement that your app will use under Region Settings.

The number formatting settings are affected by the Use Esri Field Formatting option under Maps. If the option is on, then the Esri web map settings are respected. When the settings is off, then the settings you apply in Mobile Designer are used.

For more information about configuring Region Settings, see Configure Region Settings and Number Formats.

Select from the following options: 

Studio Analytics

If you have installed VertiGIS Studio Analytics and you have created a telemetry endpoint, this is where you paste your telemetry endpoint URL. See the VertiGIS Studio Analytics documentation for more details.