Install VertiGIS Studio Printing on Premises

The instructions given below step you through the installation of VertiGIS Studio Printing, including component installation, post-installation configuration, and registering the application with ArcGIS. When you have completed these steps, you will have a working installation of VertiGIS Studio Printing.

Before you begin, download a copy of the installation package.

For information about system requirements, see Requirements for On-Premises Printing.

Main Steps to Install VertiGIS Studio Printing

The main steps to install VertiGIS Studio Printing on premises are as follows:

  1. Install VertiGIS Studio Printing.

  2. Configure post-installation settings.

Install VertiGIS Studio Printing

To install VertiGIS Studio Printing:

  1. Run the VertiGIS Studio Printing installer.

  2. Click Next.

    The End-User License Agreement panel opens.

  3. Read the license agreement.

    To print a copy of the agreement for your records, click Print.

  4. If you agree to the terms of the license agreement and supporting documents, select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement checkbox, and then click Next.

    The Destination Folder panel opens.

  5. Select a location to install VertiGIS Studio Printing, and then click Next.

    By default, VertiGIS Studio Printing is installed in C:\Program Files\VertiGIS\VertiGIS Studio Printing\.

    The Ready to Install panel opens.

  6. Click Install and wait for the installation to complete.

    The Completed panel opens.

  7. Make sure the Launch VertiGIS Studio Printing Post Installer checkbox is selected and click Finish.

    VertiGIS Studio Printing Post Installer

  8. Follow the steps in Configure Post-Installation Settings.

Configure Post-Installation Settings

The VertiGIS Studio Printing Post Installer is used to configure on-premises deployments of VertiGIS Studio Printing. You must configure the post-installation settings before you can run your on-premises installation of VertiGIS Studio Printing.

The Post Installer creates a local user called GeocortexPrinting that is required to run prints. You can change to a different local user or to a domain user. For information, see Manage the Service Account.

By default, when you install VertiGIS Studio Printing on premises, the Post Installer opens after the installer completes. This allows you to do the required post-installation configuration right away. You can run the Post Installer at any time later to modify your configuration. See Manage an On-Premises Installation.

The Post Installer allows you to do the following:

To configure post-installation settings:

The first time you run the Post Installer after installing VertiGIS Studio Printing, you must visit every panel in order and click Next to apply the panel's settings. If you navigate away from a panel by clicking a link in the sidebar, the configuration for that panel will not be applied, not even the default configuration.


VertiGIS Studio Printing is licensed software. Use the Licensing panel to activate the product.

  1. Open the Licensing panel.

    Licensing panel

  2. When prompted for a license key, you have two options:

    • Activate Offline: Contact Customer Service for an activation key.

    • Activate Online: Sign in to your ArcGIS Online organization associated with your VertiGIS Studio Printing license. If your organization already has a license, activation completes automatically. If your organization does not have a license, you are asked if you would like to submit a request for a trial license.

    • VertiGIS Studio Printing comes with a 60-day trial license. To continue using VertiGIS Studio Printing after the trial period, the product must be activated with a valid license.

  3. After the product key is activated, the status changes to show that the product is Licensed and the SKUs for this product display.


The Data panel allows you to specify the folder for storing files related to your VertiGIS Studio Printing installation, such as configuration files and prints. This allows you to organize your files on a different drive or network location, to suit your environment.

The default data directory is C:\ProgramData\Geocortex\Printing. Some possible custom locations are as follows:

If you use a custom location, you must give the application pool identity write permission. The default identity is IIS AppPool\VertiGISStudioPrinting.

If you choose a location on another machine, you will have to change the application pool identity that VertiGIS Studio Printing uses to one that can access both the Printing server and data server, like a service account on your domain.

To move the data directory after you have used VertiGIS Studio Printing, follow these steps to ensure you don't lose access to your existing print templates:

  1. Stop the application pool to take the Printing service offline.

    This prevents data changes while you move the data directory.

  2. Copy the data directory to the new location.

  3. Ensure the application pool identity has write permissions to the new location.

    The default identity is IIS AppPool\VertiGISStudioPrinting.

  4. In the Post Installer, change the data directory to the new location.

  5. Close the Post Installer.

  6. Restart the application pool.

  7. Delete the old data directory.

  1. Open the Data panel.

    Data panel

  2. Enter the path to the data directory. Alternatively, if the data directory is on the same machine as VertiGIS Studio Printing, click Browse to browse to the data directory.

    Remember to give the application pool identity write permission to the new location.

IIS Settings

The IIS Settings panel allows you to manage how VertiGIS Studio Printing is deployed in IIS.

  1. Open the IIS Settings panel.

    IIS Settings panel

  2. To use a different website, select the website from the Website drop-down list.

    By default, VertiGIS Studio Printing is deployed to IIS's Default Web Site.

  3. To use a different virtual directory, type the path in the Virtual Directory box.

    By default, VertiGIS Studio Printing uses /vertigisstudio/printing as the virtual directory.


In order to save and share print templates, VertiGIS Studio Printing must be registered with an ArcGIS portal, either your Portal for ArcGIS installation or ArcGIS Online. To register with a portal, you use an ArcGIS Application item in the portal and register it. This creates an app ID. You then copy the app ID to the Post Installer.

If your organization has more than one VertiGIS Studio application installed on premises, we recommend that you use the same portal and app ID for them all. This provides single sign-on between the designers, so you can switch freely between them without having to sign in again.

  1. Open the Portal panel.

    Portal panel

  2. Select the type of portal you use from the Portal Type drop-down list—ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

    The steps to register VertiGIS Studio Printing are the same for both types of portal.

  3. Follow the instructions for the Portal Type you selected:

    • ArcGIS Online: In the Organization box, enter your ArcGIS organization name, for example myorganization, or the URL of your ArcGIS Online portal, for example,

    • Portal for ArcGIS: In the Portal URL box, enter the URL for your portal, for example, https://[host]/portal.

    We strongly recommend that you use HTTPS to access ArcGIS.

  4. In the Redirect URL area:

    1. Select the appropriate connection scheme for your Printing server: https:// or http://.

      If the web applications that will host print templates run on HTTPS then you must run VertiGIS Studio Printing on HTTPS as well. Otherwise, the applications will not be able to connect.

      We strongly recommend that you use HTTPS to access VertiGIS Studio Printing.

    2. Select the host name of your Printing server from the drop-down list.

      Alternatively, type or paste the host name.

    3. Click Copy to copy the redirect URL to your clipboard for use in a later step.

    The virtual path is entered automatically based on the IIS Settings.

  5. Follow the instructions that apply to you:

    Register VertiGIS Studio Printing Using an Existing ArcGIS Item

    1. Click Launch to open the portal in your browser.

    2. View the item's details.

      Details page for the ArcGIS item used to register VertiGIS Studio products

    3. On the Settings tab, scroll down to the App Registration area and click Update.

      Registered Info dialog box, with a redirect URL for VertiGIS Studio Workflow

    4. Paste the copied redirect URL into the Redirect URI box, and then click Add.

      The URL is added to the list of permitted redirect URLs.

      Redirect URL for VertiGIS Studio Printing added to the ArcGIS item

    5. Click Update.

    6. Copy the App ID from the App Registration area to the clipboard.

    7. On the Overview tab, edit Tags and add one or more tags for VertiGIS Studio Printing.

    8. Return to the Post Installer to enter the app ID.

    Register VertiGIS Studio Printing Using a New ArcGIS Item

    There are two steps:

    1. Create the item.
    2. Use the item to register VertiGIS Studio Printing with the portal.

    Step 1: Create the item

    1. Sign in to your portal and open the Content page.

    2. In My Content, click Add Item and select An application.

    3. Configure the application using the following settings, and then click Add Item.

      • Type: Web Mapping

      • Purpose: Ready to Use

      • API: JavaScript

      • URL: Paste the redirect URL that you copied in the previous step.

        For example:

      • Title: For example: VertiGIS Studio Reporting

      • Tags: For example: VertiGIS Studio and Printing

        You may want to add additional tags used by your organization.

      Example configuration for the application

      A new application is added to the portal.

      New application added to Portal for ArcGIS

    Step 2: Use the item to register VertiGIS Studio Printing with the portal

    1. On the Settings tab, scroll down to the App Registration area.

    2. Click Register beside App Registration.

    3. Paste the copied redirect URL into the Redirect URI box, and then click Add.

      The URL is added to the list of permitted redirect URLs.

    4. Click Register to complete the application registration.

    5. Copy the app ID to the clipboard.

  6. Enter the App ID: In the Post Installer, paste the app ID into the App ID box.

    The completed configuration will look something like this:

    Example app registration for Portal for ArcGIS

  7. Click Test to test the application registration.

    The Post Installer will either show a success message or prompt you to fix any errors.

    If Portal for ArcGIS is secured using Windows Integrated Security and anonymous access to the portal is disabled in IIS, the Post Installer will present a warning that says: "The portal application registration is valid—however the specified portal requires authentication". You must install the VertiGIS Studio Web Adaptor Extensions to allow VertiGIS Studio Printing to communicate with Portal for ArcGIS.


The Summary panel shows Print Designer's URL for you to distribute to print authors in your organization. The Summary panel also provides a link to launch Print Designer.

  1. Click Launch Print Designer or copy the URL under Designer URL for distribution to your team.

    Before other members of your organization can access Print Designer, you must share the application item that was created with your organization within your portal. For information, see Allow Authors to Modify Print Templates.

    Summary panel

  2. Click Close to exit the Post Installer.

    You have now completed the post-installation configuration and deployment of VertiGIS Studio Printing.

Configuration Options

Configure a Geometry Server

Once VertiGIS Studio Printing is installed, you can specify a geometry service URL by configuring the web.config file.

To add a geometry server to your installation:

  1. Open the web.config file.

    Use the following file path as a guide to locate your own web.config file: 

    C:\Program Files\VertiGIS\VertiGIS Studio Printing\Deployment

  2. Within the <appSettings> tag, enter a new line, using the following as a guide: 

    <add key="app:geometryServiceUrl" value="<your geometry service url>"/>