Band Reference

Reports are divided into sections called bands. These sections are predominantly horizontal, but some are vertical. Bands contain controls and determine where controls appear in a report.

The Band Reference documents each band available in VertiGIS Studio Reporting. A band's documentation may include the following sections:

Properties Common to Most Bands



Type: String

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Sets the style used.


Background Color

Type: Color

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the report item's background color.

Border Color

Type: Color

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the report item's border color.

Border Dash Style

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the dash style for the report item's border.

Border Width

Type: Single

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the width of the border(s) in pixels, using a floating point value.


Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Applies a set of borders (top, right, bottom, left) to a control.


Type: Font

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Sets the report item's font. Properties in this group include:

  • Font Name: The font type applied to the text.
  • Size: Size of the font measured in the units specified in the Unit property.
  • Unit: The unit of measure for the font.
  • Font Effects: Applies Bold, Italic, Strikeout, and/or Underline styling.

Foreground Color

Type: Color

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the report item's foreground color.


Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Defines the location of a report item's contents within the control by specifying the number of pixels by which the contents are spaced from each border.

Text Alignment

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the alignment of the report item's text.



Keep Together

Type: Boolean

Sets whether an item can be split horizontally across pages. When false, the report item will be split across pages if all its contents do not fit on one page. When true, the contents of the item will be printed, as a whole, on the next page.

Page Break

Specifies where to make a page break. Options include:

  • None: No page breaks should be inserted before or after the current band.
  • Before Band: a page break is inserted before the band.
  • Before Band Except First Entry: A page break is inserted before the band with the exception of the first entry.
  • After Band: A page break is inserted after the band.
  • After Band Except Last Entry: A page break is inserted after the band with the exception of the last entry.


Type: Boolean

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Sets whether the band is visible at run-time.



Type: Object

Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Stores data that is closely associated with the control.



Type: String

Name assigned to the band.

The name can contain letters, numbers, and the underscore character. It cannot contain spaces or special characters.

The value of the Name property can be used to identify the band in the report items list at the top of the Properties and Expressions panels.

Name property value in the report items list

A band's Name property is also used to identify the band in the Report Explorer panel.

Name property value in the Report Explorer



Can be configured in the Properties or Expressions panel.

Specifies the height and width of the report item. Measured using the Measure Units specified at the report level.