Group Header Band


The Group Header band is used to group criteria and display information at the beginning of a group of records.

Properties Common to Most Bands

For more information about the properties listed below, see Properties Common to Most Bands.

For more information regarding each of the property groups, see the Band Reference.


Print Across Bands

Sets whether this band is printed as the background layer across all other bands that belong to the same group. When enabled, the cross-band content is projected across group bands to help determine correct positioning of controls.

The cross-band content is cut off at the group's bottom if the group height is exceeded. If the cross-band content does not reach the bottom of the group, the content is not stretched or repeated.

If you need to use the Group Header band for cross-band content as well as group header information, add a Sub-Band below the Group Header band to display group header content.

You may choose to enable this property if you need to:

  • Create a custom watermark for the group.

  • Arrange the band's content alongside the content of the rest of the group.

    Provide margins for the group content so as to avoid overlapped elements.

    Designer: Report content aligned for a cross-band Group Header band

    Preview: The Page Header's cross-band content prints next to the group content

The Print Across Bands value is ignored when:

  • The band's Repeat Every Page property is set to true.
  • The group contains a Vertical Detail band instead of a Detail band.

Group Fields

Specifies the field or fields to use to create groups in a report. When blank, all contents of the report is considered a single group.

Group Union

Sets how a Group Header band and its group are split across pages. Options include:

  • None: If there isn't enough space on a page to print the entire group, the group is split across pages.
  • Whole Page: When there isn't enough space on a page to print the whole group, a group (Group Header, Detail, and Footer bands) is printed entirely on a single page. If the height of the entire group is more than the page height, the group is still split across pages.
  • With First Detail: If there isn't enough space to print the whole group on a single page, the group is split across pages, but the Group Header is never printed on a page alone with no group rows below it. In this case, if there isn't enough space on a page to print a Group Header along with at least one group row, they are both moved to the next page.


Sets the grouping level in a report. A value of 0 represents the closest position of the group band to the detail band.

When a group band's Level is changed, the band's tab will move to indicate the order in which the bands will appear in the report. However, the band's content will remain in the same location in the layout.

If a Group Header and Group Footer band have the same value for the Level property, they are considered part of the same data group.

Repeat Every Page

Specifies whether the group band should be shown only on the first page that the group appears or on every page that the group is printed on.


Group Fields

Specifies the field or fields to use to create groups in a report. When blank, all contents of the report are considered a single group.


Sets the grouping level in a report. A value of 0 represents the closest position of the group band to the detail band.

When a group band's Level is changed, the band's tab will move to indicate the order in which the bands will appear in the report. However, the band's content will remain in the same location in the layout.

If a Group Header and Group Footer band have the same value for the Level property, they are considered part of the same data group.

Print Across Bands

Sets whether this band is printed as the background layer across all other bands that belong to the same group. When enabled, the cross-band content is projected across group bands to help determine correct positioning of controls.

The cross-band content is cut off at the group's bottom if the group height is exceeded. If the cross-band content does not reach the bottom of the group, the content is not stretched or repeated.

If you need to use the Group Header band for cross-band content as well as group header information, add a Sub-Band below the Group Header band to display group header content.

You may choose to enable this property if you need to:

  • Create a custom watermark for the group.

  • Arrange the band's content alongside the content of the rest of the group.

    Provide margins for the group content so as to avoid overlapped elements.

    Designer: Report content aligned for a cross-band Group Header band

    Preview: The Page Header's cross-band content prints next to the group content

The Print Across Bands value is ignored when:

  • The band's Repeat Every Page property is set to true.
  • The group contains a Vertical Detail band instead of a Detail band.

Repeat Every Page

Specifies whether the group band should be shown only on the first page that the group appears or on every page that the group is printed on.

Sorting Summary

This group of properties defines how to sort a report's groups based on the result of a custom summary function. The properties included in this group are as follows:

  • Enabled: Sets whether the Sorting Summary event runs.
  • Function: Specifies the arithmetic function to calculate.
  • Field Name: Specifies the data field for which the summary function is calculated.
  • Ignore Null Values: Sets whether null values are ignored when a summary is calculated. If null values are included, they are treated as zeros.
  • Sort Order: Specifies the sorting direction of the group or groups.


See Also...

Tech Tip: How to create sections and groups in your reports