Install VertiGIS Studio Reporting in a Load-Balanced Environment

A typical VertiGIS Studio Reporting deployment consists of one server that hosts both the Reporting software and its data directory. This deployment case is suitable for most installations and can be installed and updated out of the box.

Alternatively, you may prefer to install VertiGIS Studio Reporting in a multi-server environment.

In a multi-server VertiGIS Studio Reporting deployment, each server operates independently to generate report content. This means that users can still generate reports if one server fails, and that servers do not share job information with each other.

All servers share a single copy of the Reporting data directory. For VertiGIS Studio Reporting, you need to set up a redundant file share for the data directory. This provides redundancy for Reporting's configuration files and any temporary files.


A redundant multi-server deployment of VertiGIS Studio Reporting


To run VertiGIS Studio Reporting in a load-balanced environment, ensure the following requirements are met:

Installation Steps

The main installation steps for a load balanced deployment of VertiGIS Studio Reporting are the same as for a typical on premises deployment, with some exceptions and additional steps—described on this page.

The installation steps are as follows:

  1. Set up file share. See Set Up File Share, below.

  2. Install VertiGIS Studio Reporting:

    1. On the on-premises installation deployment page, see Install VertiGIS Studio Reporting.

    2. On each server, follow all steps as for a typical on-premises installation.

  3. Configure post-installation settings:

    1. On the on-premises installation deployment page, see Configure post-installation settings.

    2. On each server, follow all steps as for a typical on-premises installation, with the exception of the Data and Portal sections.

    3. Complete Data configuration: See Data, below.

    4. Complete Portal configuration: See Portal, below.

  4. Configure load balancer. See Configure load balancer, below.

Set Up File Share

Set up a redundant file share for the data directory. The file share will be shared between all servers, providing redundancy for Reporting's configuration files and any temporary files.

To set up the file share:

  1. Find your existing file share, or create a new one.

    We recommend that you choose a permanent location for the data directory file share now. If you change the data directory location later, you will lose access to your existing reports.

  2. Within the file share, create a folder for the VertiGIS Studio Reporting data.

  3. Assign the VertiGISStudioReporting application pool user Read / Write permissions. Typically this is the DomainName\MachineName$ user.

Configure Post-Installation Settings


The Data panel allows you to select a location for VertiGIS Studio Reporting to store reports and other Reporting-related files.


The Portal panel allows you to register your Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online application.

Follow the instructions provided for a typical on premises installation, with the exception of the Redirect URL.

Configure Load Balancer