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Navigation: Deploy an App

Exclude Items from Deployment

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Excluding items from deployment is not recommended, as you risk breaking your production apps.


The Exclude Items from Deployment function provides you with an easier way to update items used in multiple production apps.

When you exclude an item from deployment, Web does not make a copy that you must move through the deployment strategies (Dev-Test-Prod) to reach the targeted production apps. Each production app directly uses the original item.

However, this convenience comes with the caveat that if you break the original item, you automatically break all your production apps.

For example, we have 20 production apps that use the same web map. We want to update the symbols in the web map and immediately apply it to all the production apps, without moving 20 different apps through Dev-Test-Prod. The procedure below shows how we can do that by using the Exclude Items from Deployment function.

To exclude items from deployment:

1.Click Deploy > Exclude Deployment Items.


The Exclude Deployment Items window opens.

2.Select the checkbox for the items that you do not want to participate in the deployment. In this example, we choose the Capital City (Web 2.0) web map.

You cannot exclude the app itself from deployment. Web always creates a copy of the app in each of the deployment stages.


3.Click OK.

4.Save the app.

5.Click Deploy > Deploy to Production.

The Pre-Deployment Summary window opens.

The icon-red-exclamation indicates that the Capital City (Web 2.0) web map is not participating in deployment and a copy will not be made.


6.Click Deploy.

 The excluded item (in this example, our web map) is immediately deployed to all the targeted production apps.

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