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The Geometry service is a specific type of Esri service that handles geometry-based calculations, such as buffering and projection.

See Esri's Geometry Service for more details.

Typically, the external geometry service is either one that you own or an ArcGIS Online service.

Main Settings



Geometry Service URL

Type the URL of the geometry service you want your app to use for functions like buffering, calculating area and lengths, and so on.

Buffer Settings



Buffer Distance

The default distance that the 'geometry.buffer' operation uses.

Buffer Units

The default distance units that the 'geometry.buffer' operation uses.

Is Geodesic

When enabled, the geodesic buffer creates a zone at the specified Buffer Distance around a feature by considering the Earth's curvature, which produces a more accurate buffer.

When disabled, a planar buffer is used, which creates a zone at the specified Buffer Distance around a feature on a flat, two-dimensional plane. 

The end user can override these settings by opening Buffer Settings which, by default, is usually in the toolbar but sometimes in the map context menu.

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