The Run Print activity runs a VertiGIS Studio print. If the print layout or template contains a Map Picture Box control, the control will show the currently selected map in the generated print. You must supply the URL of a print item located in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.
When run using a Print Layout in VertiGIS Studio Web, the printing service used is defined in the host application.
When run in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, this will not work unless the VertiGIS Studio Printing widget is installed. You will need to Prepare the Printing Widgets for Web AppBuilder.
You could use a Display Form activity to get notes from the user and pass the notes as inputs to the Run Print activity so they are included in the print. Highlighted features and map markup will also show in the print.
Url |
Required Type: String The URL of the ArcGIS item for the print layout or template you want to use. |
Export Format |
Optional Type: String Export format for layout prints. Known values: AIX | BMP | EPS | GIF | JPG | MF | PDF | PNG | PNG32 | SVG | SVGZ | TGA | TIFF. |
Extent |
Optional The extent of the map to be printed. If you omit the Extent input, the map's current extent is used. If you configure both the Extent and Scale inputs, the Extent input is only used to determine the center point of the map. |
Scale |
Optional Type: Number The scale to zoom to, with the map centered on Extent if it is configured, otherwise centered on the current extent. If you omit the Scale input, the map prints at Extent if it is configured, otherwise at the current extent. |
Parameters |
Optional Type: Lookup<any | any[]> Additional print parameters. For example, suppose a print template has two print inputs, Title and Notes. You could allow the user to enter the notes (but not the title) in a form by using an expression similar to this: ={ Notes: $form1.state.textArea1.value, Title: "Flooded Areas" } |
Result File Name |
Optional Type: String The name of the result file that is downloaded. |
* VertiGIS Studio Workflow uses different versions of Esri's ArcGIS API for JavaScript depending on the type of host application. See Underlying Technologies for information.
href |
Type: String The URL to the print output. |
For information about the ID, Display Name, and Description properties, see Properties Common to all Activities.
This activity does not work when the device has intermittent connectivity to the network.
Supported from: Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 2.9, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder 2.4.