Python Configuration for Server Workflows

The Run Python activity allows you to execute Python scripts from server workflows. This activity requires access to the python.exe command, which must be installed for all users on your server.

To allow VertiGIS Studio Workflow to use Python to execute scripts, you must configure the server's Python information in your on-premises VertiGIS Studio Workflow installation.

If you are using Python 3.12.3 or later, you can omit this configuration and the py.exe command will be used, which locates and runs the latest installed version. Prior to this version, there was a bug with running py.exe through a web application. Proceed with the following configuration if you are using an older version of Python, or you prefer to specfy an exact location for python.exe.

To configure Python:

  1. Navigate to the data directory in your VertiGIS Studio Workflow installation.

    To find out the location of the data directory, open the VertiGIS Studio Workflow Post Installer and look on the Data panel.

    The default location for the data directory is C:\ProgramData\Geocortex\Workflow.

  2. Edit the pythonsettings.json file as an administrator.

  3. Add the following property to an element called PythonSettings:

    • PythonPath: The full path to the python.exe file on the server. This must be a location that the App Pool Identity can access.

        "PythonSettings": {
            "PythonPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Python312\\python.exe"
  4. Save and close the file.

  5. In IIS, recycle the VertiGISStudioWorkflow application pool.