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Route Activity

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The Route activity finds routes between two or more locations and optionally, get driving directions using ArcGIS Server network analysis services.


You may need to find directions from one place to another. You could get the user's current location using the Get Current Position activity then use the Route activity to find directions from the user's current position to another point of your choice.




Type: String

The URL to the ArcGIS network analysis service.

For example, http://server/arcgis/rest/services/<serviceName>/NAServer/<layerName>.



Type: esri.DataLayer (3.x, 4.x)* | esri.FeatureSet (3.x, 4.x)*

The set of stops loaded as network locations during analysis.

Accumulate Attributes


Type: String[]

The list of network attribute names to be accumulated with the analysis. That is, which attributes should be returned as part of the response.

Attribute Parameter Values


Type: esri.AttributeParameterValue (3.x, 4.x)*

An object describing the parameter values. If present, an attribute name, parameter name, and value must be specified.



Type:esri.DataLayer (3.x, 4.x)* | esri.FeatureSet (3.x, 4.x)*

The set of point barriers loaded as network locations during analysis.

Directions Language


Type: String

The language used when computing directions.

Directions Length Units


Type: String

The length unit to use when computing directions.

The default is as defined in the specific routing network layer.

Known values: centimeters | decimal-degrees | decimeters | feet | inches | kilometers | meters | miles | millimeters | nautical-miles | points | yards.

Directions Output Type


Type: String

Defines the amount of direction information returned.

The default value is standard.

Known values: complete | complete-no-events | instructions-only | standard | summary-only.

Directions Style Name


Type: String

The style to be used when returning directions.

Directions Time Attribute


Type: String

The name of network attribute to use for the drive time when computing directions.

Do Not Locate On Restricted Elements


Type: Boolean

If true, avoids network elements restricted by barriers or restrictions specified in restrictionAttributes.

The default value is true.

Find Best Sequence


Type: Boolean

When the findBestSequence = true, the route solver attempts the optimal sequence to visit the stops.

Ignore Invalid Locations


Type: Boolean

When false, the solve operation will fail if at least one of the stops specified cannot be located or reached.

When true, as long as there are at least two valid stops that have been connected by a route, a valid route is returned.

Impedance Attribute


Type: String

The network attribute name to be used as the impedance attribute in the analysis.

Output Geometry Precision


Type: Number

The precision of the output geometry after generalization.

Output Geometry Precision Units


Type: String

The units of the output geometry precision.

Known Values: centimeters | decimal-degrees | decimeters | feet | inches | kilometers | meters | miles | millimeters | nautical-miles | points | yards.

Output Lines


Type: String

The type of output lines to be generated in the result.

The default value is true-shape.

Known Values: none | straight | true-shape | true-shape-with-measure.

Out Spatial Reference


Type: Number | String | esri.SpatialReference (3.x, 4.x)*

The spatial reference for the geometries returned with the analysis results.

Polygon Barriers


Type: esri.DataLayer (3.x, 4.x)* | esri.FeatureSet (3.x, 4.x)*

The set of polygon barriers loaded as network locations during analysis.

Polyline Barriers


Type: esri.DataLayer (3.x, 4.x)* | esri.FeatureSet (3.x, 4.x)*

The set of polyline barriers loaded as network locations during analysis.

Preserve First Stop


Type: Boolean

If true, keeps the first stop fixed in the sequence even when findBestSequence = true.

Only applicable if findBestSequence = true.

Preserve Last Stop


Type: Boolean

If true, keeps the last stop fixed in the sequence even when findBestSequence = true.

Only applicable if findBestSequence = true.

Restriction Attributes


Type: String[]

The list of network attribute names to be used as restrictions with the analysis.

Restrict UTurns


Type: String

Specifies how U-Turns should be handled.

The default is as defined in the specific routing network layer.

Known Values: allow-backtrack | at-dead-ends-only | no-backtrack | at-dead-ends-and-intersections.

Return Barriers


Type: Boolean

If true, barriers are returned with the RouteResult.

The default value is false.

Return Directions


Type: Boolean

If true, directions are returned in the directions property of each RouteResult.

The default value is false.

Return Polygon Barriers


Type: Boolean

If true, polygon barriers are returned in the RouteResult.

The default value is false.

Return Polyline Barriers


Type: Boolean

If true, polyline barriers are returned in the RouteResult.

The default value is false.

Return Routes


Type: Boolean

If true, routes are generated and returned in the route property of each RouteResult.

The default value is true.

Return Stops


Type: Boolean

If true, stops are returned in the stops property of each RouteResult.

The default value is false.

Return Z


Type: Boolean

If true, z values are returned in the RouteResult.

The default value is true.

Start Time


Type: Date

The time the route begins.

Start Time Is UTC


Type: Boolean

If true, the start time will be in UTC format.

Use Hierarchy


Type: Boolean

If true, the hierarchy attribute for the network should be used in analysis.

Use Time Windows


Type: [Boolean

A useful feature of the RouteTask is the ability to constrain stop visits to certain times of day, or "time windows".

* VertiGIS Studio Workflow uses different versions of Esri's ArcGIS API for JavaScript depending on the type of host application. See Underlying Technologies for information.



Type: esri.Point[] (3.x, 4.x)*

The point barriers.


Type: esri.NAMessage[] (3.x, 4.x)*

The messages returned by the network analysis service.


Type: esri.Polygon[] (3.x, 4.x)*

The polygon barriers.


Type: esri.Polyline[] (3.x, 4.x)*

The polyline barriers.


Type: esri.RouteResult[] (3.x, 4.x)*

The route results.

* VertiGIS Studio Workflow uses different versions of Esri's ArcGIS API for JavaScript depending on the type of host application. See Underlying Technologies for information.


For information about the ID, Display Name, and Description properties, see Properties Common to all Activities.

Connectivity Requirements

This activity does not work when the device has intermittent connectivity to the network.

Version Information

Supported from: Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 2.9, ArcGIS Web AppBuilder 2.4.

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