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Navigation: Authoring Aids

Validation Panel

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To open the Validation panel, click Problems at the bottom of Workflow Designer.


Location of the button to open and close the Validation panel

The Validation panel lists the errors (validation-error), warnings (validation-warning), and information messages(validation-information) for all open workflows.


Validation panel, showing errors, warnings, and information messages for the two open workflows

A workflow with errors will not run to completion. A workflow with warnings or information messages might run to completion, but even if it does, it may not give the desired results.

You can collapse navigator-collapse and expand navigator-expand workflows and activities in the list to focus on the problem you are working on.

Click a message (inline-number-01) to navigate the flowchart (inline-number-02) to the (sub)workflow with the problem. The activity causing the problem is automatically centered and selected (inline-number-03) to show its properties. If the problem is caused by a specific input, the Properties panel scrolls to the input (inline-number-04).


Navigation using errors, warnings, and information messages in the Validation panel

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