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Authoring Aids

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VertiGIS Studio Workflow provides a number of aids to help author workflows:

Navigate Workflows: The Navigator in Workflow Designer provides a quick way to navigate to any activity in a workflow or any of its subworkflows. You can also use the Navigator to list all instances of an activity (places where the activity is used in the workflow) or all references to an activity (places where another activity uses one of the activity's outputs). See Navigator.

View Design-Time Problems: The Validation panel in Workflow Designer lists workflow errors and warnings and enables you to navigate quickly to the location of a problem. See Validation Panel and Validation Messages.

Run Workflows in the Sandbox: The Sandbox is VertiGIS Studio Workflow's built-in test environment. See Run Workflows in the Sandbox.

Debug Run-Time Errors: You can use your browser's console to debug workflows. When the debug level is set to its highest level (usually "verbose"), the console shows each activity's input values and the output values that they produce. This allows you to trace through the workflow. See Use the Console to Debug Workflows.

Import and Export Workflows: Exporting a workflow creates a JSON file of the workflow that you can share with other Workflow authors. The recipient uses the Import function to open the workflow in Designer at its destination. See Import and Export Workflows.

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