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Add an ArcGIS Server

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VertiGIS Studio Analytics data collection is supported for ArcGIS Server 10.7.1+.

For an ArcGIS server to collect data and make that data available for reporting, you must:

install an Agent on that server, and it must have a configured resource.

ensure that Analytics has permissions to access server directories.

It is recommended that ArcGIS Server be set to “verbose” logging in order to maximize data collection in Analytics.

To add an ArcGIS server resource:

1.From the Analytics dashboard on the ArcGIS server, navigate to Settings.

2.From the bottom left of the dashboard, choose ArcGIS Server from the Add Resource dropdown.

3.Click the "+" icon.

4.Select an agent from the dropdown. (Optional: If an agent has not been installed on this server, click Add New Agent).

5.Click Next.

6.Configure the installation directory for ArcGIS Server on each agent and click Next. This path should be local to the agent and will be accessed by the agent while monitoring ArcGIS Server.

7.On the Log Collection Details step, click Next.

8.Enter a unique name in the Display Name field and click Finish.

If ArcGIS is a multi-server install, repeat the steps above for each of the ArcGIS servers. Ensure that an Agent is installed on each server in a multi-server ArcGIS environment.


Analytics requires read-access to various server directories for ArcGIS Server, including the configuration store, system directory, and logs.  If these directories have strict permissions, you may need to grant the Analytics agent access to these directories.  Typically, this is only necessary if the directories are on network shares or if this ArcGIS Server is configured in a multi-machine site.  

The location of the directory determines how you configure the permissions:

If the directory is a local directory on the server, you can give direct access to the "NT Service\VertiGISStudioAnalytics-Agent" service account.

If the directory is on the network, you can grant the server access via <domainname>\<computername>$.

If you are unsure if you need to add these extra permissions, try adding the ArcGIS Server to Analytics first. Analytics will report any errors it encounters during setup.

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