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Dimensioning Pre-Configurator

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The Studio Dimensioning Pre-Configurator allows you to efficiently pre-configure Dimension and Point Feature Classes for the Studio Dimensioning Editor in ArcGIS Pro.

The Studio Dimensioning Pre-Configurator can be started from the Studio Toolkit menu in the Dimensioning group whether from the Dimension Feature Class Icon  or the Point Feature Class Icon, depending on the workflow. You can also start the Studio Dimensioning Pre-Configurator from a Point Feature Class Context Menu under the Studio Dimensioning Pre-Configurator menu.

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When Studio Dimensioning Pre-Configurator is started from the Feature class context menu, the geodatabase and the clicked feature class get automatically selected.


If the Studio Dimensioning Pre-Configurator is started from the Ribbon menu, a geodatabase must be entered and a feature class must be selected.


Only empty dimension or point feature classes that don't contain VG fields are available for selection.

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The Second page of the Studio Dimensioning Pre-Configurator has information about the selected feature classes and the fields that will be added to the selected feature class(es).


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In the third page the selected feature classes are converted to VG feature classes and can now be used in the Dimensioning Editor.


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