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Layer Presets Manager Attributes

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The editor view is started when a layer preset is created or changed. Among other things, the Attributes view is available.


A Layer Presets has the following attributes:


Name of the layer presets.
This is displayed in the list and for the name of the layer presets.


Description of the layer presets.
This is displayed in the list below the name (if too long, in shortened form).


Freely selectable keywords that can be used to search for layer presets.


A topic for which these layer presets have been defined. The list of layer presets can then be grouped by topic.


For layer presets that are saved on the portal, the following location attributes are also added:

Portal Folder

Here you can select one of the folders of the active portal user. The layer presets are then saved there.


Description of the layer presets.
This is displayed in the list below the name (if too long, in shortened form).
The portal folder has no influence on the search for layer presets on a portal


The authorization with which a portal layer presets is to be saved.
Each saved layer presets is of course automatically released for the currently connected portal user. In addition, the following releases can be made:

Every user in the organization to which the active portal user belongs can see and use the Presets layer.

Any user with access to the portal, currently in use, can see and use the layer presets.

Several groups can be selected by the active portal user for which this layer presets is to be released.


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