QueryBuilder Module

The QueryBuilder Module implements the Query Builder and Filter Builder.

Query Builder

WMS layers that are not associated with a WFS do not support query operations.

Stream layers cannot be queried.

The Query Builder enables end users to construct queries that search for specific features on a layer.

Query panel fields and options

Data Source: lists the feature layers. Select one from the list.

Map Area: indicates the scope for the query. Select All or Current Extent.

Find results area: Indicates the selected data source name that the query applies to. Select All of the following must be true to use the AND operator in the query. Select At least one of the following must be true to use the OR operator in the query.

Expression fields: Select the query subject in the field on the left. Select the operator for the expression in the center field (the list of operators is dependent on whether the subject represents an alphanumeric or numeric value). Type the value being searched for in the field on the right.

Add Condition: If All of the following must be true (the AND operator) is selected, AND expression fields are added to the query. If At least one of the following must be true (the OR operator) is selected, OR expression fields are added to the query.

Add Subclause: Adds a nested clause to the expression. The subclause allows the user to nest an AND or OR expression by selecting the respective option. Note that the user can nest only one subclause expression. (Queries created by an administrator in Manager can contain nested subclauses. See Queries in the Essentials documentation.

Search: Click Search to run the query.


The results of a query are listed in the Query Results panel, and each item is highlighted on the map. The features do not need to be visible at the current map scale for highlighting to be shown.

For example, a user can define a query to search the Hospitals layer in the current map extent for medical facilities containing Center in the name. Clicking Search lists those medical facilities in the Query Results panel, and highlights each one on the map with yellow circles. If you place focus on a specific item in the list, the highlight color for that item changes to blue on the map. (See Highlight Module for information about highlighting and emphasizing features.)

Query entries

Query Results List

Highlighted results

The user can click a medical center in the query results list to see additional details about it. (If the feature is visible on the map, they can also click it to open a map tip and click the View Additional Details link.)

To save the query, click the Query tab at the bottom of the Query Results panel, and click Save Query As in the Panel Actions menu. If the user changes a query that was previously saved, they click Save Query. Note that user-defined queries that are saved are available only in the current Viewer session. To save a query for use in a later session, the user needs to save the project.

Queries can be created by administrators in the HTML5 Viewer. Administrator queries are included in the Saved Queries panel as Administrator Defined queries, which are read only and they can be run by any user. (See Queries for information about creating administrator queries.) Users can edit administrator queries and use Save Query As to save a user-defined copy of the administrator query, but they cannot change the administrator query itself.

Filter Builder

The Filter Builder enables end users to filter the features that show on the map. Filtering does not affect which features are listed in search or query results. Filtering is the same as applying a definition expression in ArcMap.

The Filter panel contains the same fields and options as the Query panel, but it includes Clear and Filter buttons at the bottom rather than Search. (See Query Builder for information about the fields and options.) Clicking Filter shows the features specified in the Filter panel and hides those that do not match the filter criteria. Clicking Clear shows the features that were hidden by filtering.

For example, a user could filter the Hospitals layer for medical facilities with Hospital in the name that provide Emergency Services and are open 24 Hours. Clicking Filter hides medical facilities that are not hospitals with 24-hour emergency services. Clicking Clear re-displays the hidden features on the map.

As of Geocortex Viewer for HTML5 4.13, features of Stream layers can be filtered, however, all features are cleared before applying the filter, as existing features cannot be filtered. Stream layers cannot be queried.

Configure the Query Builder and Filter Builder

User added feature layers and dynamic layers can be queried and filtered without configuration.

To enable end users to use the Query Builder and Filter Builder, you must:

Configuration Properties

If your data provider uses the ANSI SQL default standard or one of the well-known data providers that are listed in the (Default) Data Provider drop-down list in Manager, you do not need to configure these properties. You only need to configure these properties if your data provider uses some other query syntax.

The HTML5 Viewer supports the use of the following query tokens in Query Builder and Filter Builder format strings:



View Models