Occurs when initialization of this object fails.
Occurs when initialization succeeds with a response from the REST endpoint. Depending on the API, this response may actually be an error message served as a correct HTTP response.
The collection of BaseMaps for the map.
A hack to allow code to register clickable graphics without a viewer application reference
The ExportMapImageOptions which outline the options for exporting the map image.
The ExtentManager that manages all extent changes for the esri map.
Configuration parameter which controls whether to fit tiled maps to extent. When true, for maps that contain tiled map service layers, you are guaranteed to have the input extent shown completely on the map. The default value is false.
The esri.geometry.Extent which represents the full extent of the Map.
The esri.geometry.Extent which represents the initial extent of the Map.
The exception that occurred if the object could not be initialized.
Whether or not the object was successfully initialized.
Is the map loaded? This means the underlying esri map has loaded and that we have applied application specific fixes
The LayerThemesInfo for layer themes which can be applied to this Map
The collection of {@link geocortex.essentials.MapService} object.
A view of the map services which are filtered to only include the active services in the application. This will change when, for example, a layer theme is applied. If no filter (layer theme) is applied, then this collection will be the same as the mapServices collection.
The original URL of the Essentials map REST endpoint.
The primary MapService of the Map.
Whether esri service layers have yet been added to the {@link esri.Map} object
A boolean that manages whether or not the initial extent should be set when all map services have been added to the esri map or wait until another process manually calls setInitialExtent on the ExtentManager.
The {@link geocortex.essentials.Site} that this resource belongs to.
The spatial reference of the map. This should match the spatial reference of the Esri map
The collection of supported export formats for the Map.
Should new layers be added to the map in suspended state? It depends on whether the initial layer theme has been applied yet...
The DistanceUnit that is used by this map. This will be null for the overview map.
The URL that this resource was initialized from.
Integrate a Geocortex map service into the viewer and onto the map.
The Geocortex map service, containing a service layer and Geocortex layers, to be integrated onto the map and into the viewer. Can optionally accept an object containing "mapService" and "respectVisibility" properties. By default, visibilities of all added mapServices and layers are set to true. However, if "respectVisibility" is set to true, then this function will respect whatever visibility the added mapService is configured with. Supported map service types include: {@link essentials.FeatureLayerService}, {@link essentials.KmlService}, and {@link geocortex.essentialsHtmlViewer.mapping.infrastructure.LayerIntegrationUtils.LocalFeatureLayerService}.
Creates a MapService for every service layer provided and adds them to Essentials map.
An array of service layers.
The logical function of the MapService, either Base or Operational
Applies layer catlog changes to the map.
The details object which was returned from the Layer Catalog endpoint.
Calculates the current scale of the map and returns it. This method just delegates to esri.geometry.getScale(), passing it values that corresponding to the current state of the map.
Performs a callback function when this instance has been initialized. If this instance is already initialized when this function is called, the callback function will execute immediately.
The scope to using when executing the callback - i.e. the value of the 'this' variable in the callback function. This parameter may be ommitted in which cased the first parameter will be used as the callback function.
The callback function to execute when this instance has been initialized.
Resume any layers that were previously suspended and allow new layers to be added unsuspended It will be called once the default layer theme has been processed.
Exports the Map using. This is an asynchronous method, you may provide delegates for completion or error information.
The export parameters.
The delegate that will be called when the export has completed (even if an error occurs). This delegate expects one argument: a String representing the URL of the exported file.
The delegate that will be called if an error occurs. This delegate expects an Error as argument.
Returns a flattened list of all the layers contained in the filtered mapService collection. (Filtered by Layer Theme settings)
Find the MapService matching the specified ID.
The ID of the MapService to find.
Returns the underlying {@link esri.Map}.
Initializes the {@link geocortex.essentials.AsyncInitializable}. This is an asynchronous method, you may subscribe to the onInitialized and onInitializationFailed events for completion information.
Loads all the ServiceLayer objects into the ESRI layers collection. This function is called automatically as part of the Site initialization process.
Refreshes the mapServicesFilteredView collection and the layersFilteredView collection for each of the map services and constituent layers
Removes a map service from both the Essentials map and the Esri map.
The map service to be removed.
Removes the MapService representing the service layer provided, from the Essentials MapServices array. Note: This will not remove it from the map.
The esri service layer, whose corresponding mapService we want to remove
Initializes a new instance of the Map class.