URL to a Geocortex Essentials Site endpoint.
The {@link esri.Map} object with which this Site will be associated.
Occurs when initialization of this object fails.
Occurs when initialization succeeds with a response from the REST endpoint. Depending on the API, this response may actually be an error message served as a correct HTTP response.
The necessary information for logging in to an ArcGIS Portal, such as ArcGIS Online. This will be set if the site is using secure ArcGIS Online content and a login is required, or will be null if the site is not using secure ArcGIS Online content and a login is not required.
An optional configuration preprocessor - a function to process the configuration in place before parsing and loading. After initialization, this is nulled out.
The current version of the Geocortex Essentials serving the Site.
The default data provider (e.g. "Oracle", "SqlServer", etc.) for all map services and layers in this site. Individual map services and layers may have overridden this default.
A mapping of gcx mapservice ids to their original renderers (as JSON strings). The service layer object could either be a feature layer (single renderer) or a dynamic mapservice (array of renderers)
The display name of the Site.
The IANA ID of the time zone in which this site's field data should be displayed.
The Document Store of the Essentials instance.
The extensions of the Site, as defined by the administrator on the server.
The GeocodingEndpoints defined in the Site.
The GeometryEndpoints defined in the Site.
The GeoprocessingEndpoints defined in the Site.
We need to spin up an ESRI widget to handle the legends for these
Whether the Site contains any geocoding endpoints.
Whether the Site contains any geometry endpoints.
Whether the Site contains any geoprocessing endpoints.
Whether the Site contains a collection of NamedExtent objects.
Whether the Site contains a north arrow configuration.
Whether the Site contains an overview map.
Whether the Site contains a collection of PrintTemplate objects.
Whether the Site contains a collection of SearchTable objects.
Whether the Site contains time slider information
Whether the Site has any configured viewers.
Whether the Site has a virtual directory defined.
Whether the Site contains a collection of WebMapReference objects.
The ID of the Site.
The exception that occurred if the object could not be initialized.
Whether or not the object was successfully initialized.
Collection of LayerCatalog objects associated with the Site.
The configurable layer list rest endpoint defined in the Site.
Collection of NamedExtent objects associated with the Site.
Occurs when an Esri {@link esri.layers.Layer} has loaded.
Occurs when a there is a problem loading an Esri layer.
Occurs when the site principla has been updated, including right before site initialization, and on token refresh.
Occurs when the service layers have been loaded in the map.
Occurs when a federated sign in is initiated.
Occurs when sing out is initiated.
Occurs when the user cancels the sign in process.
The original URL of the Essentials site REST endpoint.
Collection of PrintTemplate objects associated with the Site.
The properties of the Site, as defined by the administrator on the server.
Collection of SearchTable objects associated with the Site. Note: To use Search Tables with a version of Essentials prior to 4.5, you must use "deep initialization" with the site. GVH does this always.
A boolean indicating that the esri service layers have been loaded in the map
Overrides the redirect target url used when signing in.
Overrides the redirect target url used when signing out.
The {@link geocortex.essentials.Site} that this resource belongs to.
Used by Analytics
A collection of service layers which are expected to appear in the site. Excludes any user-added layers
Suspend layers when initially being added to the map.
Collection of TimeSliderProfile objects associated with the Site
The IANA ID of the time zone in which this site's field data are current.
The trusted urls of the Site, as defined by the administrator on the server.
The interval period (in seconds) for updating the secured map services tokens.
The URL to a Geocortex Essentials Site's REST endpoint.
Helps to work around issues Essentials has when reprojecting WMTS full extents.
The object that represents information about web maps and the collection of WebMapReference objects associated with the Site.
Determines whether the current user is able to sign in.
Determines whether the current user is able to sign out.
Performs a callback function when this instance has been initialized. If this instance is already initialized when this function is called, the callback function will execute immediately.
The scope to using when executing the callback - i.e. the value of the 'this' variable in the callback function. This parameter may be ommitted in which cased the first parameter will be used as the callback function.
The callback function to execute when this instance has been initialized.
Find the PrintTemplate matching the specified ID.
The ID of the print template to find.
Get all the FeatureLayerService objects defined in the site.
Gets the layer catalog asynchronously.
The application.
The callback to run when loading begins.
The callback to run when loading completes.
The callback to run when loading errors.
Gets the layer catalog details asynchronously.
The application.
The callback to run when loading begins.
The callback to run when loading completes.
The callback to run when loading errors.
Gets the Esri {@link esri.Map} control.
Gets the offline basemaps asynchronously.
The callback to run when loading completes.
The callback to run when loading errors.
Find the Site resource matching the specified ID.
The array of resources to look up.
The ID of the resource to find.
Get all the StreamLayerService objects defined in the site.
Allows resources to find the token for a given resource pertaining to the current user.
The url of the resource that is being accessed.
Returns the appropriate token for the given type.
Initializes the Site. This is an asynchronous method; for completion information, subscribe to the AsyncInitializable.onInitialized and AsyncInitializable.onInitializationFailed events.
// Create a new empty ESRI map object
var map = new esri.Map("map");
// Create a new Site object, supplying a URL to the REST endpoint
// of an existing Essentials site, and the map object just created
var essentialsSite = new geocortex.essentials.Site("http://sampleserver1.geocortex.com/geocortex/essentials/rest/sites/CharlotteArcGISOnline", map);
// Hook up events for when the initialization of the site completes,
// and if it fails to initialize
dojo.connect(essentialsSite, "onInitialized", site_Initialized);
dojo.connect(essentialsSite, "onInitializationFailed", site_InitializationFailed);
// Initialize the site, which will load all configured layers into the ESRI map object
Refreshes the site's principal. Tries to do a passive sign in in refresh. If that fails, a login prompt may be triggered in a pop-up or new tab.
Performs a search query operation. This is an asynchronous method, you may provide delegates for completion or error information.
The parameters for the search query.
The delegate that will be called when the operation has started.
The delegate that will be called when the operation has completed, even if an error occurs.
The delegate that will be called if an error occurs during the operation.
Initiates a federated sign in.
An optional sign-in URL to use, otherwise the principal's default URL will be used.
Initiates a single sign out. NOTE: This will invalidate the security session for all applications using the REST API. In other words, sign out for every application that signed in using our REST API.
Updates the principal in the site with the given principal.
The principal to update the site with.
Refreshes the services tokens if they're currently stale. Otherwise returns a resolved deferred.
Initializes a new instance of the Site class.