ArcGIS Tables

Do not confuse ArcGIS tables with search tables.

ArcGIS tables contain arbitrary data, and are associated with either an ArcGIS map service or feature service. An ArcGIS map service or feature service may contain multiple tables. Tables typically do not contain spatial data and therefore appear neither on the map nor in the layer list. However, tables are often related to other ArcGIS layers whose features have geometry. If you include a table in your site, you can then include the table in Global Search, and the viewer displays details of tables related to other layers. As of Essentials 4.5, when you add a map service, its tables are automatically included by default. However, if you want to include the tables of existing map services, you must manually include them.

There are a few ways to include ArcGIS tables:

Note that users can:

You can also edit a table like a layer.

You can set permissions on tables, as you can on other layers.

Add a Table to an Existing Map Service

In Essentials, you can include or exclude individual tables that belong to ArcGIS map services. If you exclude a table, it cannot be accessed by client applications.

Excluding a table does not remove the table altogether. You can re-include a table that was previously excluded.

To add a table to an existing map service:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Edit the map service that contains the table.

  3. Click the Add/Remove Tables tab.

  4. To include one or more tables, select the tables in the Excluded Tables column, and then click the » button.

    To exclude one or more tables, select the tables in the Included Tables column, and then click the « button.

    To select multiple tables, hold the Ctrl key down while selecting tables.

  5. Click Submit Layer Changes.

Add a Table as a Map Service

If an ArcGIS table belongs to a map service, you can add the table as a map service whose only layer is the table. The table can be edited like other layers.

Table entries do not typically contain spatial data and therefore do not appear as features on the map, or in the layer list. However, tables are often related to other layers whose features have geometry.

To add a table as a map service:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click Add Map Service, and then click the Search tab.

  3. In the Search box, type the URL of the ArcGIS table that belongs to a map service.

    The table URL is similar to an ArcGIS layer URL. For example:

    If you don't know the table's URL, you can browse the map service to select one of its tables.

  4. Click the Search icon .

  5. Click Add to Map.

    The dialog box closes and the table appears in the list of map services in the map.

  6. Click Save Site.

    The map service containing the table is added to the list of map services, with the table as its only layer.

Add a Table as a Feature Layer

If an ArcGIS table belongs to a feature service, you can add the table as a feature layer whose only layer is the table. The table can be edited like other layers.

Table entries do not typically contain spatial data and therefore do not appear as features on the map, or in the layer list. However, tables are often related to other layers whose features have geometry.

To add a table as a feature layer:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, and then click Map in the side panel.

  2. Click Add Map Service, and then click the Search tab.

  3. In the Search box, type the URL of the ArcGIS table that belongs to a feature service.

    The table URL is similar to an ArcGIS layer URL. For example:

    If you don't know the table's URL, you can browse the feature service to select one of its tables.

  4. Click the Search icon .

  5. Click Add as Feature Layer.

    The dialog box closes and the table appears in the list of map services in the map.

  6. Click Save Site.

    The feature service containing the table is added to the list of map services, with the table as its only layer.

Edit an ArcGIS Table

On the Map Services tab, tables have two parts:

Tables do not appear in the layer list, as table entries lack geometry.

Table shown on the Map Services tab on Manager's Map page

To edit the service component of a table:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, click Map in the side panel, and then click the Map Services tab.

  2. Click the Edit Map Service icon beside the service component of the table you want to edit.

To edit the layer component of a table:

  1. In Manager, edit the site that you want to configure, click Map in the side panel, and then click the Map Services tab.

  2. Click the Edit Layer icon beside the layer component of the table you want to edit.

See also...

Map Service Settings