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App Config

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Select an app in the Configured Searches section on the Dashboard to open the App Config window.

App Config

The table below describes the elements of the App Config window.

App Config descriptions





Create Resource

Creates a new resource for your app. A resource consists of a map layer and searchable fields. A Search app can contain multiple resources.


Open in VertiGIS Studio Web Designer

This link allows you to seamlessly switch between the Studio Search Designer and the Studio Web Designer. Note that this only applies to app configurations of the type "VertiGIS Studio Web". For other Search clients that use search app configurations of the type "Blank", no such links will be displayed.


Resource List

Each app contains one or more resources. See Resource Configuration.


Basic Settings

Controls various aspects of the app's results.


Advanced App Settings

Controls the search behavior and the search result's formatting.


Search Client Access Tokens

Allows for the creation, copying, and deleting of Search client access tokens. These tokens allow secure access to a given Search app using Referrals URIs.

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