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Navigation: Manage an App

App Information

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You can edit the title and description of an app, and view its ArcGIS portal item URL. You can also toggle whether to automatically remove unnecessary configuration when the app is saved.


The URL section only appears if you have saved the app at least once. You cannot modify the URL.

To edit the app info:

1.While editing your app in Designer, in the taskbar, click Info.

2.In the Title box, type a new name for your app.

When you change the title of your app, the title of the corresponding ArcGIS portal item is also changed but only for the Development stage. To change the title of other stages, you must deploy the other stages again.

3.Enter a summary for your app in the Description box. This summary appears in the ArcGIS portal item for the app.

4.If you want Designer to automatically remove unnecessary configuration of layers, sublayers and tables that are no longer in the web map or web scene when the app is saved, leave Auto-clean extensions enabled.

In VertiGIS Studio Web, we recommend you leave the Auto-clean extensions setting enabled. When enabled, Designer automatically removes unnecessary configuration of layers, sublayers, and tables that are no longer in the web map or web scene when the app is saved.

5.Click File > Save.

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Documentation Version 5.32 (5e70b909)